Home Security

What kind of home security devices, tricks, idea do you think are effective at both warding people away, and notifying you of an intruder?

I’m looking into getting something because our place is on the border of good/not to great area. Our downstairs neighbors moved, so its vacant which doesn’t make things better. We live upstairs, can’t see any part of our yard or doors from any windows. I can barely see a small portion of our driveway.

So the two things I’m looking into getting immediately are:

1.) pressure sensitive door mat. This will set off an alarm or (if we set it to this) a doorbell if someone comes up on our porch. But I jsut might put that inside to know when people are inside.

2.) Motion detector. This is going to be used in our back hall where we shared with the downstairs people before. It’s just a set of stairs that lead to the front hall where we shared with the downstairs people before they moved.

If anyone has any other hints/tricks/better devices; please let me know.

I wanna get these in place before the new year.

And my girl really wants to get a gun. Not so much for protection; but to shoot. She’s a hunter lol.

Trip wires and claymores are always “bang” for there buck. :slight_smile:

Leave a light on.

[quote]dirtbag wrote:
Trip wires and claymores are always “bang” for there buck. :)[/quote]

O I see what you did there!

[quote]B rocK wrote:
What kind of home security devices, tricks, idea do you think are effective at both warding people away, and notifying you of an intruder?

I’m looking into getting something because our place is on the border of good/not to great area. Our downstairs neighbors moved, so its vacant which doesn’t make things better. We live upstairs, can’t see any part of our yard or doors from any windows. I can barely see a small portion of our driveway.

So the two things I’m looking into getting immediately are:

1.) pressure sensitive door mat. This will set off an alarm or (if we set it to this) a doorbell if someone comes up on our porch. But I jsut might put that inside to know when people are inside.

2.) Motion detector. This is going to be used in our back hall where we shared with the downstairs people before. It’s just a set of stairs that lead to the front hall where we shared with the downstairs people before they moved.

If anyone has any other hints/tricks/better devices; please let me know.

I wanna get these in place before the new year.

And my girl really wants to get a gun. Not so much for protection; but to shoot. She’s a hunter lol. [/quote]

How bout some sort of camera system. You can actually pick them up pretty cheap for your bog standard camera, which you can hook up to you’re tv.
All those above ideas are grand, but need to be calibrated correctly if you have pets and whatnot!
Also leaving lights on when you’re away(Can get systems which will automatically switch on the lights at a certain hour - avoid a skyhigh electricity bill with lights on during the day).
Also when you’re away on holidays or away from your home, gettin a neighbour to park their car in you drive-way

If you have an outdoor light you could set it up with a motion sensor base to turn it on if someone comes up on the porch.

Could also go with a dog. My folks had a little minature terrier that had unbelievable hearing and would make a racket when someone came up to their door. Fun little dog too.

A shotgun is the best insurance you can have if someone breaks in while you are home.

In our main door stair/hallway where we can’t see the door or who is even there; we do leave a light on all night and only when it’s dark. So, check!

I like the camera idea; but I would just mainly like something so at night; when I’m in my deep stage 3 slumber, I am able to be awakened (even though it’s not best to be woken up un-naturally) if there is something/one afoot!

The two items I’ve found so far:



The thing about the pressure sensitive mat is that I can’t find ANY place in the US that sells it. So I’ll have to snag one from you blokes in the UK. The company already contacted me and told me it’s only 10pounds to add to the shipping; which is less then I originally thought.

[quote]hedo wrote:
If you have an outdoor light you could set it up with a motion sensor base to turn it on if someone comes up on the porch.

Could also go with a dog. My folks had a little minature terrier that had unbelievable hearing and would make a racket when someone came up to their door. Fun little dog too.

A shotgun is the best insurance you can have if someone breaks in while you are home.[/quote]

Got a dog, a beagle. About an hour after going to be (he sleeps w/ us) he jumped out of bed and started barking like nuts. It freaked my girl out and all I could think was; “wtf, now I’m gonna have to go check everything out so she can friggin’ sleep”.

Shotgun, duely noted.

x2 on gettin a dog. First, they’ll hear someone coming towards the door well before a human will, and will bark like nuts.
Get like a rottweiler with a very deep loud bark, and even if you’re away no-one would dream of breaking in(unless they have a big steak handy - or is that just the cartoons!!)

[quote]B rocK wrote:
hedo wrote:
If you have an outdoor light you could set it up with a motion sensor base to turn it on if someone comes up on the porch.

Could also go with a dog. My folks had a little minature terrier that had unbelievable hearing and would make a racket when someone came up to their door. Fun little dog too.

A shotgun is the best insurance you can have if someone breaks in while you are home.

Got a dog, a beagle. About an hour after going to be (he sleeps w/ us) he jumped out of bed and started barking like nuts. It freaked my girl out and all I could think was; “wtf, now I’m gonna have to go check everything out so she can friggin’ sleep”.

Shotgun, duely noted. [/quote]

Sorry, just read you already got a dog

Get more dogs, big ones.

I sugest dobermans. Or maybe two dobermans and a rot, something intimidating.

Your house will be a barkfilled shitfest, but you wont get robbed, ever :]

if you are out, and don’t want to return to any surprise guests…

Booby Trap Pepper Gas Dispenser
In the event of a break-in, you need more then just a loud noise. This unit will stop the intruder quickly with PEPPER GAS. All you need do, is to simply string a trip wire (at any height you wish - to avoid pets, etc.) across any area that you want protected. Can easily be used on doors, windows, hallways, etc. When the trip is triggered, the device discharges 4 oz.s of pepper gas in a matter of seconds! One whiff, any your intruder will be on his way, providing he is even able to do so! Also, this unit WILL NOT DAMAGE INTERIOR FURNISHING. This unit is also REUSABLE, as well as quickly and easily installed! Only $159.95

also found this amusing:

Lawn gnomes. Intimidating and terrifying at the same time

Stay awake…forever.

Nobody fucks with a lion.

40 caliber Smith and Wesson Sigma. 12 ga. Remington 870 as back-up

Spiny bear’s breeches

I’m not sure what type of plants can survive where you live. go to a garden center and get some spiney, spikey plants and plant them around the windows. you can find some that will survive in your climate zone. you will find nice looking ones that have beautiful blooms and many bear a fruit that birds like and some that you can eat. these plants will eat anyone that trys to go through them.

maybe some of these would work
wintergreen barberry
scottish rose
sea holly
dwarf chinese holly
devil’s walkingstick
leatherleaf mahonias(I have the variety called grape holly. I love it’s look and it will spike you)

Dude I would just get a shotgun and call it a day. I used to have this beautiful Beretta 12 gauge semi-auto shotgun that I had to get rid of due to a felony. I loved that gun.