Hey guys new to the forum, checked the stickies on nutrition and guys i’m kind of at a standstill. How do you guys make time for eating?
Like a typical day for me is like a bowl of cereal or eggs, then work out, get a protein shake, then at work i’d probably eat a frozen dinner or something. Then at home another bowl of cereal.
Like even that is tough sometimes lol
I’m pretty strong, deadlift is 405, squat is 385, bench is 275 and i feel strong and i love strength, but I’m not even close to shredded. I have good genetics and workout 5-6 days a week around 2 hours those days. I hate cardio though lmao
I’m 5’7 or 5’8 maybe around 190 with 14% body fat(thats a guess im like just skinny enough but don’t show abs)
You’d think eating so little would have me be shredded, but not even close lol.
So Question is, what do you guys recommend for a meal plan with very little time and not a lot of money for gaining mass and loosing weight?
TL;DR Broke guy living on his own likes to lift, but sucks at nutrition.