I know you already know but that is a world class lift. Im no powerlifter but I have the utmost respect for your rare talent.
Yea thanks I’m really trying to push for over 800 at 181 this year
The biggest actual training stimulus is the volume pushed in accessories and the speed days. Not to mention to 3-4 gpp sessions a week Louie suggests on top of the normal training. I don’t follow conjugate/Westside But I have seen with my own eyes a 150lbs female go from a 100lbs to almost 350lbs squat in about 2 years following Louie idea of conjugate. So it can work for beginners as well. I think one thing they had her do different how ever was max effort 3-5 work rather than strictly singles.
Also amazing lift man jealous as hell. Wish I could figure out hook grip. I’d still be a shit puller but least I could look cool like all the cool kids now.
My pull isn’t anywhere near @Vincepac1500 but I’ve had decent results using hook for my DB rows to get used to it, and the difference going to the barbell is significant @Reed
Never thought about trying that just to get extra practice. Imma start immediately. Thank you
About time I can return the favour
For me it just helped to get over the feeling that my thumb is going to burst. I mean, I know it won’t but my mind thinks it will. Doing the DB rows taught me to override that.
Shit you hit my lifetime goal at 10 lbs less than my goal weight.
I actually just pulled 765 which pretty much ties the tested world record for 181. Also weighted 189
It’s cause of the creatine bro nothing but the creatine “sobs internally”.