Is it just me, or do you also think that Hillary Clinton doesn’t stand a chance of being elected President in 2008?
Oh, I think she might get the Democratic nomination all right (and as a Conservative Republican I am rooting for her to get it) but getting elected President – no way!
Reasons she cannot get elected:
(1) She is way too far far far left on everything (despite her attempts to move toward the center, she reveals her leftist stripes over and over again).
(2) She is married to Bill Clinton.
(3) We just don’t elect Senators. John Kennedy was the last - I cannot even name another ever.
(4) She is way to angry – Americans don’t want their leaders to be angry and shrill. She yells about everything in that annoying (chalk on a blackboard) voice of hers.
(5) The country as a whole is far more conservative.
(6) Can we really trust Hillary to keep us safe from attacks? Could you imagine her standing up to any of the world’s maniacs?
As I said, I am hoping she gets nominated, so the Republican can trounce her, but in my opinion SHE DOESN’T HAVE A PRAYER.