[quote]cwill1973 wrote:
Serious mental health examinations should be performed on anyone who believes Hillary would make a good President. There is simply no rational or logical reason to believe she would be fit to be President. None.[/quote]
That’s not exactly correct. If we use past presidents as a guide then she is perfectly fit.
I’d say anybody who would enjoy seeing America go downhill and eventually cause a major war should vote Hillary.
I look forward to the ensuing stupidity of your nation voting for its own demise, socially, economically and internationally.
[quote]harrypotter wrote:
I’d say anybody who would enjoy seeing America go downhill and eventually cause a major war should vote Hillary.
I look forward to the ensuing stupidity of your nation voting for its own demise, socially, economically and internationally.[/quote]
Perhaps. The absolute best chance to achieve a Hillary presidency is to run a nimrod like Palin against her though. And it’s not because of how good Hillary is. Any average Democratic Presidential candidate would absolutely eviscerate Palin in a general election. Even if the Democratic brand is bad in 2016.
The only good thing is I don’t believe Republicans are actually stupid enough to trot her out. It doesn’t take any sort of genius on either side to know who would win that battle. Republicans have no desire to give Democrats that easy of a layup again. She may poll ok now, but if it came down to it they would fight tooth and nail to keep her from being the GOP nominee in 2016.
62% of Republicans don’t want her to run according to a PPP poll. Which assuredly is liberally biased and doesn’t mean anything just like all of Nate Silver’s 2012 predictions based off biased polls that all happened to be spot on
[quote]H factor wrote:
[quote]Headhunter wrote:
[quote]H factor wrote:
Sarah Palin is a fucking idiot. So is Hillary.
End of discussion for me. Comparing the two is like asking if I’d rather be stung in the dick by a scorpion or by a hornet. How about neither one?[/quote]
Sarah ran Alaska, ran her hometown, ran a commission, crossed the aisle to root out corruption in Alaskan politics. What did Hillary ever do? Let’s see…carpet bagged her way into the Senate from NY, and then was given a bone from Obama.
Name one accomplishment while doing any of that.
You’ve always thought Sarah would be good. I’m not going to be able to convince you otherwise. I’m also not going to defend Hillary to try and prove Palin is a nutjob.
Fortunately, America is not dumb enough to elect Palin who has absolutely no chance of being President ever.
Sadly, Americans may elect Hillary. [/quote]
Yeah, I know, we are even less likely today to vote for a decent, moral person. Now, we just want to elect some charlatan who’ll give us free stuff.
America is a giant in body with the soul of a greedy spoiled midget inside.
[quote]H factor wrote:
[quote]zecarlo wrote:
When you get tripped up on “what do you read” you’re holy cow dumb as shit. That isn’t gotcha journalism if you actually read things. If that’s the “liberal media” out to get someone then we may as well stop asking questions in general.
Tripped her up with that old fastball what do you read? That’s only a difficult question if you don’t or can’t read.
Ah, but she “ran Alaska” says HH. Yeah, until she quit on them. [/quote]
Do you think about what you write before hand?
Name 5 magazines you read? LOL! Who the fuck reads magazines these days? Maybe if you were to ask your grandparents what magazines they read, you might get an answer.
Magazines and newspapers…you can’t be serious.
Oh, and the quitter stuff: did you research that tidbit? In Alaska, the governor WAS responsible for all legal bills when the governor is sued. The Dems found this out and filed over 70 frivolous lawsuits. Her legal bills were over $500,000 when she quit. Is she supposed to go bankrupt because of Democratic scum?
I think you are what Limbaugh calls a ‘low information voter’. I’d say you have the IQ of a carrot.
[quote]DoubleDuce wrote:
A cunning evil person is far worse than an incompetent person be they evil or good.
But most people confuse communication skills with intelligence.
Politics is the pursuit of interests expressed as power. You cannot apply universal moral standards to the political realm and expect to achieve successful political action. Those who attempt to do so often end up creating very detrimental consequences despite their good intentions. Prudence is the paramount political virtue.
Morgenthau’s forth principle of political realism expresses this much more eloquently than I could hope to do.
"Political realism is aware of the moral significance of political action. It is also aware of the ineluctable tension between the moral command and the requirements of successful political action. And it is unwilling to gloss over and obliterate that tension and thus to obfuscate both the moral and the political issue by making it appear as though the stark facts of politics were morally more satisfying than they actually are, and the moral law less exacting than it actually is.
Realism maintains that universal moral principles cannot be applied to the actions of states in their abstract universal formulation, but that they must be filtered through the concrete circumstances of time and place. The individual may say for himself: “Fiat justitia, pereat mundus (Let justice be done, even if the world perish),” but the state has no right to say so in the name of those who are in its care. Both individual and state must judge political action by universal moral principles, such as that of liberty. Yet while the individual has a moral right to sacrifice himself in defense of such a moral principle, the state has no right to let its moral disapprobation of the infringement of liberty get in the way of successful political action, itself inspired by the moral principle of national survival. There can be no political morality without prudence; that is, without consideration of the political consequences of seemingly moral action. Realism, then, considers prudence-the weighing of the consequences of alternative political actions-to be the supreme virtue in politics. Ethics in the abstract judges action by its conformity with the moral law; political ethics judges action by its political consequences. Classical and medieval philosophy knew this, and so did Lincoln when he said:
I do the very best I know how, the very best I can, and I mean to keep doing so until the end. If the end brings me out all right, what is said against me won’t amount to anything. If the end brings me out wrong, ten angels swearing I was right would make no difference."
[quote]pushharder wrote:
[quote]smh_23 wrote:
You’re right that George W. Bush isn’t what the Left made him out to be, though I consider “sharp as a whip” an enormous stretch. Good memory, likes to read, extremely inarticulate. Probably average for an American, below average for presidents.[/quote]
The people who knew/know him well disagree with you. And not just necessarily his cronies.
Anyway, I’m not pursuing the Palin thing again. Done it enough times. Headhunter is trotting out his old material. It’s passe.[/quote]
Bush is a good guy. I’d be honored to share a pitcher or two of beer with the man. I just wonder if he is as idealistic as his words would illustrate him to be, or that his foreign policy decisions stemmed from a haphazardly applied Realpolitik.
[quote]SkyzykS wrote:
I’d like to see Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann on the same ticket running for slut of the year straight toward my front door.
Talk about true love
Rest assured that “Fox News” execs are on their knees praying that Hillary runs and wins.
[quote]Headhunter wrote:
Magazines and newspapers…you can’t be serious.
Yes, it would be ridiculous for a person seeking public office to read the news. What an unreasonable expectation!
Thank whatever deity is watching over this country–or just plain dumb luck–that she is too plainly, eagerly stupid even for the United States, which prides itself on its warm acceptance of stupidity.
I would be ashamed to know that my town councilman couldn’t name a single thing he reads over an excruciating and pathetic minute of blank-eyed squirming. That it was, in this case, an aspirant to the White House–I mean, wow.
In other words, if you hate Hillary, you better pray Palin keeps her head in the sand or up her ass and far, far away from the race.
Lol, did HH really just defend someone not reading the news who he thinks should run for President?
No wonder Palin thought she could see Russia from her back porch or whatever she said. She is probably stupid enough to think her neighbor’s house was Russia!
[quote]smh_23 wrote:
[quote]Headhunter wrote:
Magazines and newspapers…you can’t be serious.
Yes, it would be ridiculous for a person seeking public office to read the news. What an unreasonable expectation!
Thank whatever deity is watching over this country–or just plain dumb luck–that she is too plainly, eagerly stupid even for the United States, which prides itself on its warm acceptance of stupidity.
I would be ashamed to know that my town councilman couldn’t name a single thing he reads over an excruciating and pathetic minute of blank-eyed squirming. That it was, in this case, an aspirant to the White House–I mean, wow.
In other words, if you hate Hillary, you better pray Palin keeps her head in the sand or up her ass and far, far away from the race.[/quote]
LOL! Another one…
Do YOU read a newspaper to get your news? When’s the last time you read TIME magazine? LOL! Name 5 magazines you just read. Fucking LOL!
“Uh, yeah, while running Alaska and making daily decisions running a whole state, let me kick back with my U.S. News and World Report.”
Oh wait…they don’t print that anymore? Why not?
[quote]H factor wrote:
Lol, did HH really just defend someone not reading the news who he thinks should run for President?
No wonder Palin thought she could see Russia from her back porch or whatever she said. She is probably stupid enough to think her neighbor’s house was Russia![/quote]
^^^ Decides how to vote based on SNL skits…
Idiocracy = greatest prophetic movie ever!!
[quote]Headhunter wrote:
[quote]H factor wrote:
Lol, did HH really just defend someone not reading the news who he thinks should run for President?
No wonder Palin thought she could see Russia from her back porch or whatever she said. She is probably stupid enough to think her neighbor’s house was Russia![/quote]
^^^ Decides how to vote based on SNL skits…
Idiocracy = greatest prophetic movie ever!!
Idiocracy is a movie about the future where the country becomes less intelligent over time as intelligent people have less kids and unintelligent people have more kids.
So I can’t quite figure out if you’re making a hilarious joke based on the fact Palin has 5 kids or not.
I do not vote based on SNL skits as I have not watched SNL in years. I used to love it though. I do not need to watch SNL to realize Palin isn’t that bright, but you need to watch something considering everyone in this thread but you thinks she’s not the sharpest crayon in the box.
We’ve done this numerous times though and every once in a while you jump out of the woodwork to say don’t forget Palin would be awesome. No one agrees with you (and those who say it would be ok are comparing her to someone else they don’t like) and you become offended by the fact that people feel differently than you.
[quote]pushharder wrote:
[quote]H factor wrote:
Lol, did HH really just defend someone not reading the news who he thinks should run for President?
No wonder Palin thought she could see Russia from her back porch or whatever she said. She is probably stupid enough to think her neighbor’s house was Russia![/quote]
And you are stupid enough to be led by the MSM to believe that’s what she said in context.
Baa baa.[/quote]
I think it’s not very smart to assume that SMH and myself are coming to our conclusions based on this mainstream media you are so fearful of. It’s probably not a coincidence that Palin also blamed her issues on this media that is so out to get her. When you can’t make yourself look good it’s important to attack those who are making you look bad huh? So videos with her own words are all just taken out of context and she’s secretly this really intelligent lady that got painted as not very smart by an amazingly deceptive mainstream media huh?
Yeah…pretty sure that’s exactly the snake oil she was selling to maintain some specter of credibility and luckily people like HH (and apparently yourself) are just the types who trust a politician enough to buy whatever shit they are selling to you.
It’s best that you are getting all your information from right wing sources that have no bias at all. That way you know for sure you’re getting true stories. Well I can’t trust a news source that Palin says is liberal and mainstream, but of course I can trust anyone that she doesn’t say that about. Palin can’t possibly have ANY bias herself.
Easy to see a sheep in someone else if you don’t have the nutsack to ever look in the mirror and examine your own line of thinking.
You and c-dog starting to look more alike all the time…liberal, liberal, liberal, (can’t reason), liberal liberal liberal. Like a little kid who had a mom who said that boy must be a liberal every time you whined to her about someone else.
[quote]Headhunter wrote:
[quote]smh_23 wrote:
[quote]Headhunter wrote:
Magazines and newspapers…you can’t be serious.
Yes, it would be ridiculous for a person seeking public office to read the news. What an unreasonable expectation!
Thank whatever deity is watching over this country–or just plain dumb luck–that she is too plainly, eagerly stupid even for the United States, which prides itself on its warm acceptance of stupidity.
I would be ashamed to know that my town councilman couldn’t name a single thing he reads over an excruciating and pathetic minute of blank-eyed squirming. That it was, in this case, an aspirant to the White House–I mean, wow.
In other words, if you hate Hillary, you better pray Palin keeps her head in the sand or up her ass and far, far away from the race.[/quote]
LOL! Another one…
Do YOU read a newspaper to get your news? When’s the last time you read TIME magazine? LOL! Name 5 magazines you just read. Fucking LOL!
“Uh, yeah, while running Alaska and making daily decisions running a whole state, let me kick back with my U.S. News and World Report.”
Oh wait…they don’t print that anymore? Why not?
WSJ and NYT every morning, occasional Washpost; Economist and New Yorker every week.
If she had listed a fourth of mine, she’d have been fine.
Or how about how she didn’t know what connection privacy has with Roe, despite that case being the only she could name?
She’s ignorant, incurious, and she’s got that slimy Alaska politics in her. Give it up because she’s never touching national office.
[quote]pushharder wrote:
[quote]H factor wrote:
Lol, did HH really just defend someone not reading the news who he thinks should run for President?
No wonder Palin thought she could see Russia from her back porch or whatever she said. She is probably stupid enough to think her neighbor’s house was Russia![/quote]
And you are stupid enough to be led by the MSM to believe that’s what she said in context.
Baa baa.[/quote]
This is lame. She makes those comments in a contiguous shot and, anyway, there is no “context” in which one could argue that the Governor of Alaska has foreign policy experience because Russia is nearby.
Edit: Not that that one bothers me as much as the reading and Roe ones. Those are inexcusable. This one is dumb as rocks for sure, but it isn’t all that strange to see a politician lying like a rug to stretch some point about their record.