[quote]thunderbolt23 wrote:
I wouldn’t count Hillary out yet, for a number of reasons.
And I wouldn’t anoint Obama yet either, for many reasons - the least of which is that he hasn’t been sufficiently vetted by an adoring media. Democratic warhorses - “superdelegates”, for that matter - must face the fact that Obama
Is a boilerplate left-wing liberal, which doesn’t play well in general elections
Isn’t a uniter, and has done nothing in his public life to suggest he is
Has dubious connections to seedy campaign contributors and radical politicians (i.e., foreign policy advisors)
I am not counting Obama out, and he is in the catbird’s seat, but Democrats like winning, and if they think Obama’s bubble could pop when he gets legitimate scrutiny, they may like the tougher, better known commodity of Clinton.[/quote]
I think all Republicans should donate to rodham’s candidacy. I like the Good Guys’ chances against a wounded rodham.
On the other hand, I watched obama’s so-called speech last night. I had to turn it off.
Seriously, it sounded like a broken record. I wanted to “change” it up after about 2 minutes.
Everyone knows that I’m a Republican. That is my bias. However, hearing the MSM talk about obama, you’d think he was a master orator.
I didn’t hear anything masterful. I wasn’t inspired. I started talking to the television (pretty sure barack couldn’t hear me) asking for some specifics.
It isn’t enough to say “change” 7,465,000 times without explaining what that means.
To sum up, I wasn’t impressed. However, in the interest of fairness, I’ll continue to listen to him. Perhaps last night he was “off.”