Hello there.
New member here, I’m glad to find this very informative board.
I recently came around an idea of checking my hormones. I’m a 31 y/o endurance athlete, training around 10h a week with a normal 40-50h a week job (though quite stressful sometimes).
Tbh, I got used to feeling shit and having no interest and energy in other sex. Honestly, I could not be bothered right now, I’m still happy that I crawled from depression and drug addiction through sport. All in all, it could be worse(it was), but it’s definitely not good.
Ok, let me post my lab results :
Red Blood Cells
HAEMOGLOBIN (G/L) 158 g/L (130.00 - 170.00)
HCT 0.466 (0.37 - 0.50)
RED CELL COUNT 5.14 x10^12/L (4.40 - 5.80)
MCV 91 fl (80.00 - 99.00)
MCH 30.7 pg (26.00 - 33.50)
MCHC (G/L) 339 g/L (300.00 - 350.00)
RDW *10.9 (11.50 - 15.00)
White Blood Cells
WHITE CELL COUNT 6.8 x10^9/L (3.00 - 10.00)
NEUTROPHILS 2.76 x10^9/L (2.00 - 7.50)
LYMPHOCYTES 3.40 x10^9/L (1.20 - 3.65)
MONOCYTES 0.51 x10^9/L (0.20 - 1.00)
EOSINOPHILS 0.07 x10^9/L (0.00 - 0.40)
BASOPHILS 0.03 x10^9/L (0.00 - 0.10)
Clotting Cells
PLATELET COUNT 271 x10^9/L 150.00 - 400.00
MPV 10.8 fl 7.00 - 13.00
Kidney Function
CREATININE *130 umol/L (66.00 - 112.00)
Liver Function
ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE *39 IU/L (40.00 - 129.00)
ALANINE TRANSFERASE *118 IU/L (10.00 - 50.00)
CK *302 IU/L (38.00 - 204.00)
GAMMA GT 15 IU/L (10.00 - 71.00)
TOTAL PROTEIN 78.7 g/L 63.00 - 83.00
ALBUMIN 45.9 g/L 34.00 - 50.00
GLOBULIN 32.8 g/L 19.00 - 35.00
Iron Status
FERRITIN 65.78 ug/L (30.00 - 400.00)
Lipid Profile
TRIGLYCERIDES 0.58 mmol/L 0.00 - 2.30
CHOLESTEROL 3.83 mmol/L 0.00 - 4.99
HDL CHOLESTEROL 1.46 mmol/L 0.90 - 1.50
LDL CHOLESTEROL 2.11 mmol/L 0.00 - 3.00
Heart Disease Risk
HDL % OF TOTAL 38.12 % 20.00 - 100.00
Thyroid Function
FREE THYROXINE 21.83 pmol/L (12.00 - 22.00)
FREE T3 4.73 pmol/L (3.10 - 6.80)
TESTOSTERONE *2.25 nmol/L (7.60 - 31.40) previous test 7.2 nmol/l
FREE-TESTOSTERONE(CALCULATED)*0.0608 nmol/L (0.30 - 1.00)
17-BETA OESTRADIOL <18.35 pmol/L (0.00 - 191.99)
SEX HORMONE BINDING GLOB *12.8 nmol/L (16.00 - 55.00)
PROLACTIN *525.5 mIU/L (86.00 - 324.00)
PROSTATE SPECIFIC AG(TOTAL) 0.402 ug/L 0.00 - 1.40
That is after 2 weeks of taking 20mg of oxandrolone a day. Call me stupid for testing after taking steroids not before, but I did a quick check of just testosterone before(noted). I was below range anyway.
Interestingly enough, I feel much better on oxandrolone, despiting my rock bottom results. I had a test of an energy and confidence that don’t remember experiencing.
- height 172cm
-waist 30 inches
-weight 70kg
-no immensely hairy, normal facial hair and hairy legs.
-no libido what so ever. No drive, mood swings, irritability. Energy lvls are ok I guess, I can always find some to complete my workouts, but apart from that, not much happening. Interesting thing is, despite all, I have no problems with erections, although morning wood is not happening on regular basis anymore.
As I said, feel better now on oxandrolone, but will terminate it at the end of week 4 (see liver).
I did read a thyroid topic, my 4pm temp was 98.8 and 8pm was 98.6, seem to be ok.
So aside from ridiculous T(due to steroid) E2 is below detection point, and SHBG below norm as well.
I guess the best thing to do is finish my oxandrolone mini cycle, wait a moth and retest. But I know already that readings, in best case scenario, will be in low range. So maybe not bother and go straight into self TRT? I seriously cannot be bothered with NHS and searching for an inteligent and educated doc, as they seem to extinct. I got some T coming soon from a reputable source, along with anastrazole.
Any thoughts will be appreciated.