Thanks KSman. I’m pissed that there are things he didn’t test for (especially rT3) that are relevant parts of this puzzle. How much goddamn time does one have to go and get blood drawn, and then wait for the results again? Frustrating as all hell.
Regarding T3, you marked my Free T3 number as being mid-range but then said my T3 is low. Just trying to understand – Is my Free T3 low? [EDIT: SORRY, I see what you wrote now. My T3 is lower than mid-range. Got it. Thanks.]
Yes, I’m taking a chelated multi-mineral supplement that contains lots of selenium, plus I’ll eat a few brazil nuts for a little extra every day. I have no fishy odor or any of the other purported symtpoms of bromide displacement, other than what I mentioned.
In recent years I have occasionally used iodized salt here and there, but not nearly enough. I’d been using pink Himalayan salt at home for the most part, using iodized salt packets on occasion when eating takeout somewhere. For a while (until a couple months ago) I was taking some kelp/iodine tablets as supplementation, but I think only about 400 mcg/day worth.
E2 from a few weeks ago (if you scroll up) was 14.8, so low-normal-ish, but I’m curious now to look into E1, E3 and total estrogens. Thanks again.
(I’m half wondering if there is no solution.)