High RBC, Hemo, Hemocrit w/ TRT

Symptoms after 5-6 months on trt have been higher blood pressure, dizzy at times, anxiety at times , feeling hot in face. Are these symptoms of higher rbc, hemocrit, etc. my first 3-4 months everything seemed ok. I did cut out the AI a few weeks ago which could played a part. Now doing .20 eod but was doing .5 every 3 days which seemed too much but could been elevated rbc etc

Possibly, need to get labs.

Have labs and they are all high. Why I ask if this could be a symptom.

Hemocrit 56 with range 37.5-51. Rbc is 6.36

  • what was baseline HCT/RBC/hemo

  • What dose of testosterone are you currently on

  • How old are you

  • lifestyle?

5.5 and 47.1 pre trt. Btw I feel like that is on the higher side at that point due to anavar about a year prior and never clearing out blood possibly bc I felt like I’ve always had higher bp since this. I was on 200mg weekly but recently changed to 20 eod. I am active in great shape and a good diet.

38 years old

Get tadalafil / cialis and where is free t and are you using ai?

They aren’t that high. Rbc would have to much higher to be PCV. Right now Trt is doing what is expected.

Thick blood would make it hard to breathe. By giving blood you would feel relief. Go ahead and give blood if you are that worried; but it won’t help if that isn’t your issue.

As long as you don’t have PCV you should be fine. It is normal for rbc hct and hemo to rise in trt. It is when the body creates a rediculous amount of Rbc is when you have PCV and need to give blood. You would of been told this but doc many years and blood tests ago.

Your symptoms could be something else entirely. Don’t jump to conclusions when you have issues from hormones. It makes it worse.

Why would it still be in your system? What all are you currently taking?

STOP taking your T injection right now and go donate a pint of whole blood.
They go find your doctor and give him a black eye.
Then go find a doc who knows what he is doing because this asshole you got is going to kill you.

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hehe my HCT is 43% atm… on 200mg test (sometimes more)

Maybe you need to go to more frequent injections like ED or switch to scrotal cream. This should reduce RBC.

Also I understood recently RBC raises more with more obese people. How is your body fat percentage?

How would the cream work? I mean I’m not like super high but I believe the anxiety and bp issues are from high end rbc and hemocrit

Hi unreal, Is this an age thing? or did you just donate blood? or are you anemic? My HCT is never that low. 1 week post 1 pint whole blood donation I am 46.

They won’t. They will fuck up(raise) your HCT just as much as T injections.

Well prior to TRT I was 52%, after TRT I’ve fluctuated from 51-43% (there’s been a steady dropping trend however).

I’m not anaemic per se, borderline (not enough to do anything about it). Earlier this year it was found I was bleeding rectally and I underwent a rubber band ligation, however that was fixed up 6 mths ago, the bleeding caused an iron deficiency and there were some unpleasant complications from the procedure. I’m no longer iron deficient, but my HCT has remained low, I recall going to donate my last pint (I donate blood) and the nurse was like “sir, you’re haemoglobin has dropped 30 points since you’re last donation, we’re going to have to run some extra tests”, was also very close to the cutoff of which stated I couldn’t donate

Regardless it isn’t something I’m particularly worried about, it’s a trend I’ll watch closely, there’s no way I’m unlucky enough to have some kind of haematological malignancy or form of anaemia unrelated to vitamin/iron deficiency (aplastic anaemia, pure red cell aplasia etc.)

I do notice my exercise tolerance has decreased somewhat, 200mg over time, provided there isn’t any significant malignancy should even things out… If it’s enough to create a pharmacological response that is. What’s even more absurd though is the fact that. the labs my doc uses states anything over 46% regarding haematocrit is dangerously high (obviously my doc knows better, isn’t concerned unless it’s above 52% and continually climbs)

I find it interesting that you get a boost in gym performance @200 mg/wk.
I do TRT at 120mg/wk which gives me a TT peak of ~800 and I do great in the gym. If I did 200mg/wk and I have been there all I get is over the top E2 and HCT requiring blood letting every 2 months. I saw no improvement in strength or recovery. I supost everyone is different and one has to test the different lvls to see what works best for them.

When I blast 300-380mg/wk for 12 weeks it takes me 4-5 week before I notice any difference in my strength or recovery. This could be an age thing I am old as dirt and you are fresh as new fallen snow, haha just pulling your chain…
You are not vegan or keto are you?

I don’t get much of a boost at 200mg, however there’s def a difference between 100-200mg/wk for me in terms of gym strength, endurance performance etc.

Not vegan, never will be, that’s horrific. (not keto either)

unfortunately my joints (knees, hips, elbows, shoulders, hips, ankles) disagree. Whilst camping (about 2 yrs ago) I actually formulated a little song on my guitar, I forgot the exact chords, I just recall the lyrics were “back, shoulders, knees, hips, elbows pain… paaaaaiiiiinnnnnnnnnn”, it was really funny (purpose of song was comedic) and then believe it or not, a few days later I actually fractured my ankle in multiple places and required life changing surgery!

My E2 never tests particularly elevated unless I use higher doses (in which it’s still appropriately in proportion to that of my T/FT concentrations.)


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