High prolactin post PCT

Hi everyone,
It’s been a month since I finished my PCT. It consisted of first HCG 250iu EOD until 5000 used, and then nolva 40/40/20/20.

I did my blood test few days ago and I see my LH and FSH is still quite low, is that to be expected, and it takes longer time to come up?

Other thing which I am more concerned is prolactin is still high, and I am experiencing bad acne all over the body.

What are your thoughts on using Caber in a smaller dosage for short amount of time to lower it, and hopefully stabilize hormonal imabalance and get rid of acne?

On the previous bloodwork from July, prolactin was 274. (Mid cycle).

Cycle consisted of dbol kickstart, test E and masteron.

Any comment is appreciated.

HCG will not get your LH and FSH back up.

HCG is essentially like an exogenous LH in that it directly tells the testes to start producing testosterone (that’s what LH does).

By taking HCG you are thus replacing your own signal (LH) which means that you are not likely to restart producing LH while taking HCG.

HCG is mostly useful to “keep the horses into the barn”… or keep the testes functional even when you are using steroids. This prevents the atrophy of your testes and keeps them producing testosterone with the hope that when you stop your cycle,the testes that were kept active, will be more easily responsive when you stop your “cycle” and try to recover natural production.

HCG (and HMG) can also be used to maintain fertility while on a steroids course.

Clomid (and, nolvadex, but to a slightly lesser extent) can help by stimulating the production of LH. But it might not work that well if the central signal is not re-established. That central signal would be GnRH (gonadotropin-releasing hormone).

In a very simplified way, GnRH tells the body to release LH, LH tells the testes to produce sperm and testosterone. A steroid course can inhibit all three levels (depending on the person, duration of the course, compounds and doses used).

If you have central inhibition, clomid will not fix the issue.

What can help? Time off (if you are young) and the peptide kisspeptin, which increases GnRH.

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Hi Christian,
Many thanks for you in depth reply.
Sounds like some additional time off is the way to go.

What are your thoughts on prolactin and acne issue, does it make sense to take Caber to fight slightly elevated prolactin, and get hormones in more stable level and hopefully clear up the skin?

Drugs have side effects. So, as much as possible you shouldn’t use drugs to fix the side effects of other drugs.

Have you tried going to a tanning bed? This can be effective at helping clearing out acne.

Did you crank it within an hour or two before that blood test? (Dont feel compelled to answer)

Your body releases prolactin after ejaculation to tell your dick to go to sleep. If you handled things within a few hours before that sample was taken, your prolactin results will be skewed.

This is a pretty short PCT. I would have run for 8 weeks

No I haven’t done the tanning bed as I think it will only help with problem on the surface, I wanted to target the problem at the core, which I believe is hormonal imbalance.

No I haven’t, I did my bloodtest 2 hours after waking up, as that was one of the requirements by the lab, and sitting 10 min prior to test, for some reason.

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It was a 16-week long cycle so I though this would be a way to go. Maybe next time I can try longer one and see if it gives better results.

Sure, but that hormonal imbalance will gradually come back to normal when you stay off.