Hello Friends, i have high progesterone Level, how i can lowering this??
iam on cycle with testosterone e 500mg week for 6 months, for the first three months i used nandrolone phenylopropionate, i use HCG from start 1250iu every week, i use cabergoline in dose 0,5mg every week, my blood works:
SHBG 18,9 (13,5-71,40)
e2 39 (8-43)
prolactin 0,3 (4,0-15,2) L
testosterone >1500 (280-800)
progesterone 4,2 (0,2-1,4) H
You’re pretty hard core, so idk why your levels are where they are, but progesterone has a seditive like affect, and I know they would give high does of progesterone to pedefiles to kill their sex drive, so I’m sure your high level is doing just that. Sorry I couldn’t be more help.