I’ve been on test for 12 weeks now. I started with 2x 100mg per week for the first 6. Then went up to 120mg 2x week. Did 250u of hcg with my test injections. I also take .5mg of Anastrozole on injection days(started immediately because I assumed I’m prone to estrogen effects since I’ve started puberty fairly late + had developed gyno back then).
Did blood work after week 10 and E2 came back at 52pg/ml. I’ve been having water retention and started experiencing some discomfort in my left nipple. Other than that I feel better than ever.
No other side effects. Doc suggests only lowering the T dose. I asked if more frequent injections or higher dose of maybe different timing of Anastrozole could benefit but he shut all those options down resorting to lowering test again.
I’m wondering if going to .5mg Anastrozole 3x a week would help?
Maybe smaller injections 3x week? 4x?
Maybe changing hcg protocol?
Is lowering the test dose maybe the only option really?
I also remembered another question I had. Would changing my Anastrozole timing maybe help? Given that the cypionate takes a bit to be metabolized would administering the AI some time after the injection increase the effectiveness?
A) this is a cycle. Its not trt and any dr stsrting soneone on 200mg and upping to 240mg is not practising medicine, they’re giving you a legal way of doing a cycle.
B) Yes anastrozole would be more effective phased after you pin 24 or 36 hours.
C) id suggest e2 just over range when your trough testosterone is double top of range is about where youd want it. They work best in a ratio
Exactly my thoughts and why I asked for full labs. Don’t waste money testing Fsh/Lh after starting TRT. They are zero and irrelevant unless natural.
@AndrogenLocust you have T levels that are 2x top of range and then E2 is only slightly over range. Your problem is this protocol sucks. Your are given too much T for your body to handle then you are forced to take Anastrzole to control a side effect from your overdose.
If you’re truly interested in your health and well being… start over. Discuss with your doc and try 100mg a week solo T for 6-8 weeks. Adjust up as necessary with each lab draw based on resulting values and well being.
If you just want legal “roids” then ignore said advice. You look young in your photo and already fairly muscular/lean. Were you hypogonadal before starting?
You should listen to your doctor. Your estradiol is high (based on your symptoms) because your testosterone is very high, not because your anastrozole is too low.
Did your doctor order this test? I know I told you to listen to your doctor but ordering this for a patient on testosterone is pointless. Maybe an MA or other office staff submitted the order? Doctor should know better.
I do realize that my test is up the roof at this point.
I was concerned with the E2 number itself rather than the two in ratio.
I guess I’d hate to admit but I had some symptoms of low t but never really bothered. Then I looked into the “legal way to get roids”and get checked. Came back at 280. Decided to start TRT, they started me at 150 however me being the impatient young guy asked if I could do more. The doc prescribed 200. I do get 2000mg vial every 60 days so I asked the guy at the clinic (who handles their TRT clients, not the doc) and he kinda made it seem like: The doc prescribed this much but how much you do at the end is out of our control.
Now that some time passed I do feel all the positives I haven’t felt as much before.
Im not looking to add anything else into the mix honestly. Just want to enjoy the test as effective and safe as possible.
What I want out of that treatment? Of
Course the improved quality of life! But it shares #1 spot with the improved quality of my “bodybuilding” journey.
I’ve eaten clean and intermittent fast for years at this point. Exercise and diet are 100% consistent and on point in my opinion. So I ultimately was looking to take things to the next level and quickly realized that I have not been feeling as great as I could have. So it became a win/win for me
LH FSH Tests weren’t ordered I guess. I did a full panel on the blood work but just posted the endocrinology part since the rest was pretty much within range. Luckily my health markers aren’t changing much which is why I feel comfortable and wanted to stay on higher dose.
Yup there’s the problem. I personally don’t think you will get a ton more out of running 240mg vs 150mg. It sounds like a lot more but you will deal with a host of problems. Having high adequate Test is enough and the rest will be on you for nutrition, work outs, and most importantly genetics.
I’ve done it all man and it took experience / learned wisdom to go back to just my TRT dose (140-160mg range). I’m happier, healthier, feel better, and my physique is just as good. I recommend spending some time, as in 6-8 weeks, at your original dose and see if you feel better. You SHOULD NOT need ANY anastrozole if you find the right dose but if you’re an outlier that does need it… you would need MUCH less. So if you drop your dose DO NOT continue taking that much AI.
I’ll have to try I guess. Part of me is just hesitant to waste time but obviously 6-8 weeks in the long run isn’t gonna make a difference on the journey.
Thank you!
For getting an infertile man back to fertility it is low dose. It is a common dose for guys on TRT trying to maintain testicle size and fertility.
If high E2 is an issue, the dose of T is the cause. The HCG isn’t helping, but in this case, the T dose is the main driver. I think you should bump it down a bit. You are past double the top of the range on FT. For me, it wouldn’t be something I’d entertain as a long term treatment.
Did you have your ferritin levels addressed? Even though they are in range, they are at the very low end. Did you get a CBC recently? Do you know your haemoglobin values? I’m sure @systemlord can weigh in on this more. He seems to be the anemia expert on board.
I’m definitely convinced to go back down again. I was a little overeager but. Maybe I fall under the category where less is more and if so, then why not find out and stick with it.
Thank you!
I’ll definitely will be lowering the anastrozole if not completely cut it.
I honestly have not. Nothing was mentioned by the clinic either. I also feel like they worry more about you buying their products continuously rather than advise you to stop anything. That’s why I ventured out to this forum to get actual advise from people that don’t financially benefit from keeping me at X dose!