Hi copper0521 ,thanks for your answer! just two more questions how long do I need to stay on it ? do I need to do insuline and some testosterone with it ? I really apreciate your help as I don’t have a clue about the subject.
Thanks a lot !
If you’re interested in stacking the HGH with Insulin; definately PM one of the vets with advice. I’ve done it before, but read tons, and had help along the way.
However, the gains were ridiculous to say the least (I kept 9 lbs in only 4 weeks).
I’m currently about to begin stacking HGH with my cycle; and am expecting pretty great gains.
Good luck.
Also Viking,
If you’re only using HGH, make sure you can afford to stay on for 6 months. Taking HGH for one to two months is pointless unless it’s stacked.
Google Gavin Kane’s GH protocol.