Hi there, i want to start my first ever cycle it goes something like, please let me know if i will get good gains from this, my goal is to lost fat and have lean muscles adding that i want the safest cycle out there, money wise is not an issue so i am going for an HGH cycle
I have 4 months and i really dont know the time period to see good results for this cycle , should it be 12 weeks cycle ? please let me know
My Cycle :
HGH 4IU 5 Days on 2 Off
Primobolan 250mg or 500mg ==) i am still considering the hair loss issues that come from Higher doses of Primo and stuff as i said i want decent gains and not huge gains and a safe cycle.
How to inject the HGH and Primo and on which days ? and where in the body?
Now should i add HCG during this cycle or just forget about HCG since it is only Primo and no Test-e is used for this cycle ! And Go for PCT (Nolva) 10 Days after my cycle has ended ?
I heard about igf-1 to be added to this cycle but have no idea about it… Any news ?
I appreciate your help in this matter and if you need to add anything else i would love to hear your thoughts…