HGH Assistance, PLEASE!

I have been wearing out the search function and found some great stuff from BBB and others but needed a bit of clarification on an HGH plan I will be running. Sorry if I missed the obvious answer during my searches.


Lifting heavy for over 25 years, coming of one and only cycle(Test P/Mast P) two years ago. My plan is to do at least a six month run of HGH for general health benefits and some fat loss.


1-2 IU’s IM upon waking
1-2 IU’s IM Post training-Three days per week(M,W,F)

I also train on Saturdays but no heavy barbell training is done, just grappling and some rope climbing. I also grapple on M,W,F and hit the weights(Wendler 5-3-1) right after.

My questions are about the timing of injections. Will the intake of food or supplements negatively effect the HGH?

Injection times and peri-workout nutrition schedule.

Wake up 10:00am 1-2 IU’s HGH IM
10:15am 30g whey protein
11:30am scoop of Cellucor C4
11:45am 18g BCAA’s

    Noon-2:30pm TRAINING(12g BCAA consumed during and immediately after training)

    2:45pm 1-2 IU's HGH IM
    2:50pm 25g peptipro
    4:00pm High protein/carb/fat meal

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. If I get this protocol worked out I plan on running a Test P/Mast P/Tren ace cycle approximately half way into my proposed HGH protocol.


[quote]SealClubber wrote:
I have been wearing out the search function and found some great stuff from BBB and others but needed a bit of clarification on an HGH plan I will be running. Sorry if I missed the obvious answer during my searches.


Lifting heavy for over 25 years, coming of one and only cycle(Test P/Mast P) two years ago. My plan is to do at least a six month run of HGH for general health benefits and some fat loss.


1-2 IU’s IM upon waking
1-2 IU’s IM Post training-Three days per week(M,W,F)

I also train on Saturdays but no heavy barbell training is done, just grappling and some rope climbing. I also grapple on M,W,F and hit the weights(Wendler 5-3-1) right after.

My questions are about the timing of injections. Will the intake of food or supplements negatively effect the HGH?

Injection times and peri-workout nutrition schedule.

Wake up 10:00am 1-2 IU’s HGH IM
10:15am 30g whey protein
11:30am scoop of Cellucor C4
11:45am 18g BCAA’s

    Noon-2:30pm TRAINING(12g BCAA consumed during and immediately after training)

    2:45pm 1-2 IU's HGH IM
    2:50pm 25g peptipro
    4:00pm High protein/carb/fat meal

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. If I get this protocol worked out I plan on running a Test P/Mast P/Tren ace cycle approximately half way into my proposed HGH protocol.


Hi mate, I’m 41 been training 20+ years and have done several HGH & AAS cycles. Never done a HGH only as after a lot of research I didnt feel it was the right thing to do - for me. I did an anavar & HGH cycle which worked really really well but as you’re HGH only I would offer the following advice. Minimum of 2 iu’s each jab i.e 4iu per day and you need to increase your protein dramatically. Also - you’re spending 2 1/2hrs in the gym(?) again only my opinion but thats far too much time - in and out in an hour should be sufficient - you stay there too long its one step forward 2 back!