[quote]Iron Dwarf wrote:
http://www.vietnamveteransagainstmccain.com/ [/quote]
I can find a LOT of damning information about obama, on top of the fact obama is possibly the most ridiculously idiotic person to be nominated by any party ever.
that said, who will you be voting for?
[quote]zephead4747 wrote:
Iron Dwarf wrote:
I can find a LOT of damning information about obama, on top of the fact obama is possibly the most ridiculously idiotic person to be nominated by any party ever.
that said, who will you be voting for?[/quote]
I’m votin’ for Paris!
rofl. god help me but that was funny. And I hate her.
This is just ridiculous. I tried to laugh about it, but come on…
Iron Dwarf you are so absorbed in your liberal bias it is ridiculous
I hate both candidates. HATE. but come on, McCain was in a fucking Vietnamese prison camp hell and you want to try to smear him with that too…you have no respect for the military, our soliders, or forefathers sacrifices for you. Even hardcore liberals have some tacked, you obviously dont
[quote]tg2hbk4488 wrote:
This is just ridiculous. I tried to laugh about it, but come on…
Iron Dwarf you are so absorbed in your liberal bias it is ridiculous
I hate both candidates. HATE. but come on, McCain was in a fucking Vietnamese prison camp hell and you want to try to smear him with that too…you have no respect for the military, our soliders, or forefathers sacrifices for you. Even hardcore liberals have some tacked, you obviously dont[/quote]
And what was YOUR opinion of veteran John Kerry? I’ll bet you sucked on all the swiftboat lies you could swallow. Even John Eisenhower (a 50-year Republican)endorsed John Kerry in '04.
You right-wingers (especially the big mouth-hide-behind-the-flag-chickenhawks) talk all big on the side of our soldiers, but once they’re home, you bash the fuck out of them with insufficient benefits. Support the troops, I sure do, so get them the fuck out of Iraq.
And talk about the sacrifices of our forefathers?.. your beloved Bush wiped his ass with the constitution they fought and died for.
Actually I dont base my picks simply on military record, I base more on solid platforms. I dont like flip floppers, sorry on that one…
And whats all this crap about Bush breaking Constitutional law. Obviously he did not. If he did then he would be out of office by now. Liberals just make up these bogus claims trying to make their points stick…which dont
First off, anyone here who has been a POW and subjected to torture, step forward.
Thought so. Neither have I. I have, however, been through the same survival training(SERE) that pilots(and all high-risk-of-capture personnel) receive. Yes, the code of conduct states that you will not collaborate with the enemy. Information leaked under torture is NOT collaboration. It is called being human. One thing they teach us: if you give them the stone wall treatment, at some point your captors will decide you are not worth the trouble and execute you. In case you weren’t paying attention, we are one of very few nations which still honors the Geneva convention. No, they don’t tell us to sell our country down the river, but they do teach us to Return With Honor. If you should crack under pressure, so be it. Just try to give up the lowest level of info possible, and try to confuse the info as much as possible, but don’t lie. As soon as you start lying, now that’s a new story you have to remember exactly the way you told it, every time they bring it up.
Obviously, I was not there when McCain was a prisoner, so I can’t speak to the level of torture he endured. But he is a man, and man is fallible.
And to compare the Swift boat veterans who spoke out against Kerry with Communist propaganda regarding McCain is just plain irresponsible.
neither is my ideal candidate, but given the lesser of two evils, I choose McCain. Sorry, I’m just not ready for a Socialist President.
Who cares if McCain was a POW? Anybody that uses that as a basis for their opinion of who to vote for should seek help. We all know Admiral daddy pulled some strings to get him released. Gotta wonder why he never made admiral himself – son of an admiral and a “war hero” and all.
Incidentally, McCain was an officer which is also known as a zero to enlisted men. He’s a warmonger who just wants to send more young men and women to die for needless political causes.
I choose zero.
I choose zero.[/quote]
Naturally, being that everyone likes to see a little of themselves in who they vote for.
Not to be disrespectful, but the fact that McCain was a POW and got his plane shot down doesn’t mean he’s qualified to be president. All it means is that he’s a shitty pilot
[quote]belligerent wrote:
Not to be disrespectful, but the fact that McCain was a POW and got his plane shot down doesn’t mean he’s qualified to be president. All it means is that he’s a shitty pilot[/quote]
No one is suggesting that being a POW is a sufficient condition of being a president. What they are saying is that it bespeaks of his fortitude, his love of country, and his character - which are important factors in selecting a president.
Keep up.
And to your stupid point about him being a “shitty pilot” - do you have any idea how many sorties he flew prior to being shot down?
[quote]Iron Dwarf wrote:
tg2hbk4488 wrote:
This is just ridiculous. I tried to laugh about it, but come on…
Iron Dwarf you are so absorbed in your liberal bias it is ridiculous
I hate both candidates. HATE. but come on, McCain was in a fucking Vietnamese prison camp hell and you want to try to smear him with that too…you have no respect for the military, our soliders, or forefathers sacrifices for you. Even hardcore liberals have some tacked, you obviously dont
And what was YOUR opinion of veteran John Kerry? I’ll bet you sucked on all the swiftboat lies you could swallow. Even John Eisenhower (a 50-year Republican)endorsed John Kerry in '04.
You right-wingers (especially the big mouth-hide-behind-the-flag-chickenhawks) talk all big on the side of our soldiers, but once they’re home, you bash the fuck out of them with insufficient benefits. Support the troops, I sure do, so get them the fuck out of Iraq.
And talk about the sacrifices of our forefathers?.. your beloved Bush wiped his ass with the constitution they fought and died for. [/quote]
if you thinmk bush wiped his ass on the constitution, obama is going to use it as a jizz rag.
he wants us to be similar to a eurostate. Free speach and gun owner’s rights? bah, who needs em
This stuff has been circulating on the net for many years. I don’t doubt that McCain’s ordeal wasn’t as harsh as he portrays it to be. But regardless, the man is going to be our next president.
[quote]thunderbolt23 wrote:
I choose zero.
Naturally, being that everyone likes to see a little of themselves in who they vote for.[/quote]
At least there is wit.
A shitty pilot, you damn belligerent. Get your fucking ass in an aircraft and fly into combat. You fucking piece of shit.
Put on your flight suit you bitch. Go show us, how much fucking better you are. You fucking disrespectful asswipe.
John McCain was shot down so your dumb ass can fucking insult his flying skills.
For all the people saying about just because he is a POW doesnt mean he should be president should read the OP
This thread is bashing about how McCain made up all the stuff about being a POW. It is not about what and does not qualify him for president or if he would be a good one or not
This is post is about using slanderous, false remarks to TRY to tarnish a mans reputation. I simply feel to try to cut a man down for being a POW is like trying to cut down someone for being handicap. It is in such bad taste to try to make someone feel worse about something horrible that has happened in there lives, let alone use that own slander to greater your gains
It just shows you to what lengths some people will do to get there way…its a cryin shame. And it doesnt matter what side of politics your own, stuff like that should not be tolerated. People like Iron Dwarf are whats wrong with the country
Im done with this shit
Actually according to Bush and Cheney, McCain wasn’t even tortured he was simply interrogated effectively.
Don’t circulate this shit. It was wrong when it happened with the Swift Boat Vets (although they at least had ample reason to hate Kerry for what he said, just not what he did) and it’s wrong now. For the small slip-ups he did make, McCain is his own harshest critic. And anyone who has read anything about the Hanoi Hilton and Vietnam POWs knows he was one of the real hardcases in there, and can hold his head high.
And lifticus, you have no idea what you’re talking about. THE WHOLE POINT of McCain’s ordeal was that he was a propaganda prize, the son of an admiral, and in accordance with the Code of Conduct he refused to be sent home early. He could have avoided his suffering and chose not to. He did not receive preferential treatment or come home early.
That being said, belligerent has a point. Not about McCain’s flying skills, but about the relevance of all this.
[quote]GDollars37 wrote:
That being said, belligerent has a point. Not about McCain’s flying skills, but about the relevance of all this.[/quote]
I hate to break this to you guys but…this is an election year. Not just an election year - an election year with a 24-hour news cycle.
Relevance has absolutely dick to do with this. You should know it as well as I do. It ranks right up there with Barry’s step brother, or what ever he is.
And the real mudslinging hasn’t even started yet.
Other than Obama’s tax hike on everyone making over 31K, or McCain’s position in the Russia/Georgia situation - has anyone actually heard a candidate’s position on anything remotely related to the next 4 years?
I haven’t. But I can tell you that McCain can’t keep track of how many homes he owns, and that Obama has a heck of a time remembering how many states are in the Union.