There’s actually some interesting literature looking at a hypothesised autoimmune mechanism. Substantial portion of people with IST have antibodies against cardiac beta adrenergic receptors.
There’s actually some interesting literature looking at a hypothesised autoimmune mechanism. Substantial portion of people with IST have antibodies against cardiac beta adrenergic receptors.
I think all my tissues are under AI attack at this point!
Did a 14-3-3 eta test a couple of years ago. Sky high!!! No provider knows what to do with it. The picture is extreme localized joint inflammation but all my standard inflammation markers cRP, etc are very low. Provider is like you are the picture of health dude, why are you here? But when the heart gets involved, things get real.
so you don’t have RA, but 14-3-3 eta protein is elevated… and you have joint inflammation… weird.
Do you have IST/dysautonomia? Or do you take beta blockers for anxiety, PVC, PAC etc. Surely with hypothyroidism you’d have had a low RHR?
Are you on TRT?
Negative for standard RA workup. Going off TRT seemed to really exacerbate my thyroid issues and fT4 to fT3 conversion. But I was seriously in the gutter for a few months. So laugh out loud I am currently back on TRT (80 mg/week) plus combo thyroid treatment.
I was getting some nasty arrythmia (atrial tachycardia mostly) so until we get the thyroid figured out I am trialing some beta blockers. Workouts were quite scary with serious roller coaster symptoms and panic.
RHR is 52. Hypo on paper but get episodic hyper symptoms.
Well… wishing you all the best of luck in the health department.
I’m recovering from fairly extensive shoulder reconstructive surgery myself.
I wish you all the best. I know rehab is painful but pulling for you Brother unreal24278!