thats really unfortunate, sorry to hear it. theres something called Power PCT that may be worth looking into. if you can though i would definitely seek out as good a professional as you can
It seems as if this happens to some…myself as well. All Hormones are fine and still I have the same symtoms as you.
The depression part is the worst. Somedays better than others…
Have you used deca in your cycling ever?
This type of dysfunction can happen to deca users… it appears as if it somehow disrupts some of the dopaminergic pathways in the brain…
One study showed a return to normal of these pathways 5 times the time the compound was used…( it was a study on rats, but was studying the after effects of nandralone use.)
According to The doctors Ive consulted with, If your test levels have recovered, time is the best course of action… Allow recovery by allowing ALL drugs AND thier metabolites to exit the body…Deca metabolites can be detected 18 months aftfer use…
I am not sure how much gyno can be reversed by letro. Maybe arrested, but I doubt it will have much effect reversing it.
It is a relatively small operation to have the gyno removed. It might be worthwhile just to be able to stop taking the letro, which is probably the main suspect now.
For gyno try 60mg Raloxifene ed for 10 days. Then use 30mg Raloxifene ed until gyno is reversed. This may take awhile, but it is worth a shot and cheaper than surgery.