Apetite is individual. It didnt do that to me.
Also, no steroid can keep you lean. Either you are on a surplus or on a deficit. Steroids cant change physics that applies to the universe around us.
Frontloading is ok.
EQ kills all the e2 of some people. Me included. For example, if i take 400 test, i can only take 100-150EQ and my e2 will be in the singles, which i do not like.
So no extra AI, and bloodwork every week. Since EQ is slow, it took around 5 weeks for it to drive my e2 super low. You need to monitor it all the time and its a pain in the ass to manipulate the dosage.
Let me correct you.
EQ is a mild steroid that has little side effects and will promote little muscle gain. Therefore people use it up to a gram a week, so they would experience more muscle gain, and also more side effects so the steroid at that dosage is no longer considered mild.
The problem with “mild” steroids is that they are mild per mg. EQ is mild if you take 300 test and 300 EQ.
I would say you are better off with 400 test then - the less compounds the easier to control the sides and know what is fucking you up
So then you will want the goodies of EQ and you will frontload 800 and then blast 500. I wonder if 100mg of tren is not milder than 800mg of eq? There was this one log a dude did on 200mg of test and 100mg of tren, for years and all his bloodwork was perfect. Im sure no ones bloodwork is perfect on 500-800mg of EQ. See my point?
The mildness and the lack of side effects of some steroids is always fucked by upping the dose. At the end you will see that the mild steroids are just taken twice the amount.
There definetly is a place for the EQ. I am e2 sensitive, so if i wouldnt be having problems with hematocrit always, i would take it just as an AI in micro dosage. Some people do fine on it also, and can run high dosages and be ok, BUT… EQ is just a crappier test. If you get high e2 on test super fast, you can swap some test for some e2, but if one can tolerate test i believe adding a bit test will always be better than adding tripple the amount of EQ.
Especially for you - since you have no real reason to need EQ, except for apetite which most people DONT experience, and as i explained - only GH is known to help with body fat, and EQ cant stop you from getting fat if you are in a caloric surplus, i think you are better off with upping the test A BIT and getting the same mild side effect benefits.
If you are on 200mg all the time, up it to 350, use FOOD and good training with progressive overload and see how much you can squeeze out from that.
I was suprised that after blasting grams and grams of shit, i went down to 290mgs and actually could progress if i really tried.
You can ALWAYS up the dose and add shit. But isnt our goal to take as little as we can and get the most out of it?
This forum is great because people dont brag about huge dosages and how they tolerate it. I love how actually most people almost brag about how little can they take and get something out of it - its much healthier way to go.
If you cant make improvements on 300-400 test, you are either super advanced, or your training or eating sucks.