Thanks in advance for any help. Got my bloods in preparation for a low cycle/high trt.
35 yo old, 5’11, 86kg (190lb), probably have another 8-10lb of fat to lose. Currently in Ketosis for the last 6 weeks and have dropped from 97kgs (moderate carb bulk). Planning on another 2 weeks of keto then upping my carbs gradually. I work 7x12h days then 3 days off into 7x12h nights with 3.5 days off. Get my training done mostly in my off days, often 2x p/d; work days I do mobility or light maintenance work. I’ve been working this schedule for the past 6 months.
Food is animal product heavy. It’s mostly meat; largely beef, pork, eggs and then cheese and butter. Non keto is the same, except Ill drink 1l of raw unpasteurized milk and citrus fruits everyday. I barely eat vegetables outside of red sauerkraut or if i get take out. No issues with digestion or constipation.
Sleep is great considering my circumstances. I sleep with airway opener strips, ear buds, blacked out room and supplement 5mg melatonin on night shift days only. Supps are Zinc, Mag, coq10, vit d (20k iu), ashwaghanda, cod liver oil and if I know Im getting laid I’ll smash lecithin day before and day of. If I feel under the weather I’ve got NAC, quercertin, glutathione and resveratrol.
Hopefully thats a decent background. Anyway I get my bloodwork done and its surprising.
Testosterone 32.8 nmol/L (6.0 - 28.0) I used web converter to get 945 ng/dl
F/T 465 pmol/L (200 - 600) What kind of ratio should I be looking for?
SHBG re-std. 69 nmol/L (15 - 50) Understandable on Keto.
FSH 11 IU/L (1 - 8) Outside of upper range, is this an issue?
LH 9 IU/L (2 - 8)
Oestradiol 76 pmol/L (< 150)
Progesterone 1.2 nmol/L (< 4.1)
Prolactin 159 mIU/L (45 - 375)
Pl.Cortisol-Rndm 209 nmol/L (AM 110 - 550 nmol/L) Interesting, I drink a lot of coffee.
IGF-1 20.2 nmol/L (8.2 - 29.0)
GH 2.8. µg/L (<5)
Not shocked about the SHBG with what I understand about low-carb/keto. My libido and hard ons essentially dropped off a cliff once I got back into keto. Sexual function is fine and I bust big ass loads but in between nothing happens. Also, once I’ve nutted, shows over, lol. When carbed up it’s a night and day difference.
Any pointers would be great. I don’t expect to be spoonfed so any help is greatly appreciated. Is LSH/FH a concern? T and F/T ratio looking alright? Everything seems to be in range and ok? Ive got test e on hand pre bloodwork was thinking 60mg EoD for a month, see how I respond, re-do bloods and go from there, yet now considering the risk profile, seems asinine.