I hope I’m putting this in the right forum. I recently got the results from a blood test I had done, and was hoping someone could help point out anything that seems like it could potentially keep me from my goals (strong, lean, and healthy).
I’m 27 years old, 5’9", 190 lb with 15-16% bodyfat. I just finished I, Bodybuilder, running each phase for 4 weeks. I started this year at 178 pounds. I haven’t been gaining weight as quickly as I was before I dieted last (November-December '09), and I’m not really sure why.
*DHEA Sulfate - 60 m(EDIT: SHOULD READ 206) cg/dl (Normal Range: 110-510)
-Total Cholesterol - 216 mg/dl (125-200)
-HDL - 70 mg/dl (= > 40)
-LDL - 131 mg/dl (<130) ← was surprised by this result
-Triglycerides - 75 mg/dl (< 150)
*Metabolic Panel
-Glucose - 88 mg/dl (65-99)
-Urea Nitrogen (BUN) - 28 mg/dl (7-25)
-Creatinine - 1.16 mg/dl (0.80-1.30)
-eGFR Non-Afr. American - > 60 ml/min/1.73m2 (less than or equal to 60)
-eGFR Afr. American - > 60 ml/min/1.73m2 (less than or equal to 60)
-BUN/Creatinine Ratio - 24 (6-22)
-Sodium - 142 mmol/L (135-146)
-Potassium - 4.1 mmol/L (3.5-5.3)
-Chloride - 105 mmol/L (98-110)
-Carbon Dioxide - 25 mmol/L (21-33)
-Calcium 9.8 mg/dl (8.6-10.2)
-Protein, Total - 6.7 g/dl (6.2-8.3)
-Albumin - 4.5 g/dl (3.6-5.1)
-Globulin - 2.2 g/dl (2.1-3.7)
-Albumin/Globulin Ratio - 2.0 (1.0-2.1)
-Bilirubin, Total 1.8 mg/dl (0.2-1.2)
-Alkaline Phosphatase - 98 U/L (40-115)
-AST - 31 U/L (10-40)
-ALT - 26 U/L (9-60)
*TSH, 3rd Generation - 3.94 mIU/L (0.40-4.50)
-Total T - 583 ng/dl (250-1100)
-Free T - 102.6 pg/ml (46.0-224.0)
-Bioavailable - 219.8 ng/dl (110.0-575.0)
-SHBG - 24 nmol/L (7-49)
-Albumin, Serum - 4.7 g/dl (3.6-5.1)
*Sed Rate - 9 mm/h (< or = 15)
*Complete Blood Count - Lots of stuff, nothing abnormal, so I won’t post it
*Prolactin - 10.2 ng/ml (2.0-18.0)
*Estradiol - 32 pg/ml (13-54)
Sorry for the long post. Any help would be appreciated.