Help With 8 Week Cycle

Ok Sorry guys I havent posted in a while but hopefully you intelligent individuals can help me out… Ultimately I’m looking for good synergy between these compounds.
I plan on running adrol, t-bol, proviron and of course nolvadex all the way through and of course for my 3 wk pct. Plan on runnin this mid Dec. through the new year.

Stats: 24 yrs
train 4-5 times aweek
235 off season 8 % b/f/210 compitition time 4% b/f
training for 5 years
bench: 400 lbs
Squat: 455 lbs
Injuries: Nothing serious

Ok heres the layout:
*wks 1-2: 50 mg a-bombs e/d / 50 mg t-bol e/d / 50 mg proviron e/d / 20 mg nolva e/d
*wks 3: 100 mg a-bombs e/d / 50 mg t-bol e/d / 50 mmg proviron e/d / 20 mg nolva e/d
*wk 4: 50 mg a-bombs e/d / 50 mg t-bol e/d / 50 mg proviron e/d / 20 mg nolva e/d

*wk 5-8 50 mg t-bol e/d / 10 mg nolva e/d

pct: wk 1 40 mg nolva (and maybe clen throughout pct)
wk2: 20 mg nolva
wk3: 20 mg nolva
wk4-8: Alpha Male
*Have letro on hand if needed after the a-bombs

*Ok question: Should I be running the anadrol longer?
*Second queston: should I raise the mgs on the t-bol?
*3nd question: does the cycle look alright? To my knowledge it does but I know there are some much more experienced individuals that could give great feedback and that what I’m looking for.

Bushy where you at on this one :slight_smile:

Thanks guys for reading, could use some posts back…


First of all thanks for the quick reply…
Sorry I didn’t reply right back but you know everybodies got to go to sleep sometime.

Ok heres the deal: I fully understand class I and class II steroids and I know test would run great with this cycle but if you want to get personal I live in a household where doing injections e/o/d and hiding the neccessary tools for the job would be quite a pain in the ass.

My girlfriend (who is pregnant by the way) does not approve of my steroid use and was a cause of many problems in the past. Not that I’m against injectables, I love them, orals just seem to be the safer route for me to take right now. Maybe you can try to talk me out of it, I dont know.

Secondly I know u know my friend dezz. He is a very close friend of mine and has been for a long time. Enough said.
My original plan was to run anadrol 4 weeks and test prop for eight and then t-bol for 4 additional weeks. of course standard pct at the end. (remember still have the letro)

The only reason I was going to run nolva during the anadrol is because, if I remeber correctly, anadrol was the only compound that gave you gyno. Plus I know an anti-aromatase compound like letro would do nothing for me while taking drol since drol does not aromatise.

I was planning on having an excess of t-bol on hand sometime soon so I was going to run it with the the drol.

don’t give this one up bushy, like to know your opinion


Dont like the fact that your dissin my girl but thats ok, I understand your point. The only reason she doesnt approve of my steroid use is because I used to get very aggesive when I was on (She knew about my use). But now I understand that it wasnt the steroids, it was me just being an ass. But of course she doesnt see it that way. She’ll always see it as the the steroids that caused my behavior.
Ok Lets pretend all that does’nt exsist. How would you set this cycle up… Like you I would rather do this right, like I’ve one in the past, than do it at all.
This is the first time for me to use drol and I’m kinda lookin forward to it. I know I should use test or another class I with it, and I would like to use tbol also since I will, or should have some to add to the cycle.
The reason I asked for your help in the first place is because I knew you would give me some constructive critisism if I needed some…

wks 1-8: 100 mg drol/500 mg TE
wks 8-12: 50 mg tbol
PCT: In check

Sound ok?

Follows guidlines if im correct…

Last cycle was the first time I used an AI…
Every cycle before that just used nolva

Should I use letro throughout the entire cycle or shopuld I encorperate nolvadex.
I have done much research and I have been doing aas for about 4 years, the only reason I’m asking your opinion is because I love T-Nation and I respect your opinion…
I know I’m in a tough situation but theres always ways around it right.

Help me out bushy…


So let’s paraphrase…

“I know you said my cycle sucks, but is it ok?”

“I know drol doesn’t aromatise but I am going to take the strongest AI known to man anyway!”


This is yet another post that cracks me up.
shakes head and moves on

pointless thread bud. just run TestE,Drol,nolva on hand, some tbol at test clearance. keep it simple
