Hey guys, just wanted to see what y’all thought. Open to suggestions.
Male/27 - 5"10, 190lbs 15%bf
2 previous cycles, eq only, and prop only
Training for 6yrs
I recently picked up 20ML of test cyp, and 30ML of Eq. Both are 250mg/ML.
What I planned on was running was a 400mg/week-cyp and 600mg/week-Eq for 12 weeks.
PCT- clomid 100/100/50/50/50 going to start this on week 14 bc of the long ester of both of the above compounds.
Pin schedule as followed: will stack in the same pin
Monday 1ML/cyp 1ML eq
Thursday .75/cype 1.25ML eq
Goal of cycle is to obtain 12-15lbs of lean mass that I keep. Get the vascular/hard look as well as picking up strength. I understand diet is everything and have been doing A TON of reading on diet a lone. And saving up money just to spend on the plethora of healthy foods,why they cost more ill never know!
I will appreciate any and all advice, no noob attitude here, if it sucks plz tell me why in your opinion.
PS: gear is already bought and I know a lot of people don’t like Eq but I respond well to it.