Hoping for a little help interpreting blood work. I am 31 year old male, been lifting for 3.5 years. Currently weigh 175lbs and about 12% body fat. Subscribe to all the tnation principles and have been a lurker for a couple years. I have always felt fatigued and sleepy since my teens, docs have given me anti depression meds in the past though i never felt depressed, just tired.
Try to do all the things i am supposed to to be healthy and energized, do recon ron pullup program 6d/week, lift full body compound lifts 3d/week. Just finished 6 months of 5/3/1. Eat very clean, 2300 cals non workout days and 2900 workout days, 1-3 cheat meals a week.
Docs were not willing to test my hormone levels and so i finally found online HRT clinic and paid for these labs. They said i qualify for test and I think winnestrol. I am having trouble deciding if i should go for it, or if i may make the problem worse. I need to do something, I usually get atleast 9 hours of sleep, but even with 12 i feel tired and sluggish.
Any attempt to determine cause for high SBGH before starting something like Winny? Do you smoke, use alcohol excessively, any history of liver problems, use any other meds?
Thanks for reply pcdude,
No, have not been to GP with the results, and from what i can tell the HRT clinic does not do any more advanced work to get to the root of the problem. I do not smoke, though i used to years ago. I let myself have two beers a couple nights per week, and i do not take any other meds.
Though from about the age of 20 to 27 i drank very heavily, sometimes well over a liter a day of alcohol for months at a time. Quit when problem became to evident to ignore, marriage and job on the rocks, ect… Have also had a history with drugs. Do you think starting what to me seems almost like a cycle would be a very bad idea given my labs?
Not sure where else to turn otherwise, although Dr. john crisler is only 1 state away. Do levels seem way off, I wasn’t told anything about them other than i qualify for the TRT.
Labs were done at 1pm, got up at about 9:30AM.
I reached a weight of 240lbs about 4 years ago at 5’-10". Did the same as everyone else the first year of training or so and starved myself and ate 1600 cals, and did bodypart splits. It took about 1.5 years to diet down to 170lbs.
I did a clean bulk, trying to gain some LBM and ate at about 2800 cals for 6 months. Did not gain nearly any strength and added 30lbs of weight. At my weight of 200lbs, I dropped to 2000cals a day, and did daily medium intensity cardio for 45min to 120min a day. It took another 6 months of that to reach 175lbs. Was back were I started
I now find to maintain my weight i need to eat very clean, low calories, or my stomach and lower back balloon up very fast. Traditional bulking and cutting do not work for me, and any extra calories no matter how hard i train do not = strength gains. Any more than 3 days a week of training and I am not able to progress in strength. My maintenence cals if not training or cardio are only about 1800.
Current strength levels for reference are
Deadlifts 5x5 at 365lbs
incline DB press 5x5 with 90lb DB’s
Squat 1x20 with 245lbs
Not sure of maxes, do not do them.
I would really like to try the TRT if it would improve my quality of life. At $550 for a 3 month supply with HCG, I’m curious if you guys think it is a sustainable way to fix or help my hormone levels, or just basically a mild cycle that may leave my hormones much worse off? Should I continue the search for a GP that will go more in depth into my situation?
[quote]Proudpapa wrote:
I would really like to try the TRT if it would improve my quality of life. At $550 for a 3 month supply with HCG, I’m curious if you guys think it is a sustainable way to fix or help my hormone levels, or just basically a mild cycle that may leave my hormones much worse off? Should I continue the search for a GP that will go more in depth into my situation?[/quote]
I would not attempt a TRT regimen that included Winstrol. Remember that TRT is for life. Find a good doctor who cares about your long-term health. There is no “cycle” with TRT.