46 YO Male
32-33" waist
I am struggling with my weight. My build is that of a power lifter and have spent a great deal of my early years doing just that. Although I do have sex, I have noticed I no longer have morning wood, and my erections are not as hard as they once were.
I have become an avid competitive cyclist, and well, power to weight is everything and although I have a lot of power I have way to much weight.
Mid 2012 I hit the diet and fitness with more committment that ever because I had allowed myself to swell up to 232lbs. before kickin myself in the ass. I used cycling and the atkins diet and reached a low of 193 and that is where the weight loss stopped.
I eat clean, and ride my ass off and now, the weight is coming back- up to 202- I carry it in my waist belly and flanks. IMHO- there is no way someone who eats like me and burns the kind of calories I do to gain weight unless someother factor is at work.
This is what brings me here- Is this a metabolism issue? Thyroid? T ? What? I am satisfied with my power and endurance but I need to be 180-185 and nothing I seem to do will get me below 193. At this point I am suspecting my aging metabolism to be culprit and in its current state will not cooperate with the fat brunging process anymore.
What I have done so far here- Been reading the stickies and noticed the iodine/thyroid info.
Can anyone say with any authority just much “Hypothyroidism” can contribute to weight loss, or the lack thereof? Last nite laying in bed reading the iodine info I took my temperature- at 10:52PM I was 97.7. As soon as I woke this AM, Without getting out of bed, I took it again several times. 96.1, 96.1, 96.3,96.3 and once at 96.5 .
Accoring to the sticky I should probably get on some iodine–right?
Finally, my last inquiry for now- Just how much does Testosterone affect weigh loss/control? I am having a new blood test done this week but, a year ago my total T was 329 and free T was .197.
Don’t get me wrong, I know there is no magic weight loss pill; I have been and am now putting in big miles, passing up holiday treats, eating whole grain this and that & more chicken than anyone I know etc. Ill do the damn work, I just need my body to respond.
All input appreciated.