Finally this old cunt-rag whore gets outed for who she is. Even her America hating mega-leftists journalist cronies couldn’t bail this old bat out of this one.
I just hope it sticks to her like one of her Depend’s diapers stick to the wall.
This isn’t the first time she’s said shit like this, I guess she just finally got busted. Hopefully she’ll get booted from the WH press corps.
[quote]Tiribulus wrote:
“Helen Thomas = Bigot” and now retired.[/quote]
She retired over this? link? [/quote]
FOX just reported in on TV. (As probably did others) It will probably take a little for the web to catch up. Jane Skinner is this minute reiterating that she is resigning effective today.
[quote]IrishSteel wrote:
and don’t let the door hit you on the way out . . . .[/quote]
Yeah, but I’ll always get a smile outta remembering her chasing Bill Clinton while he was out “jogging” mic pushed out in front yelling at him that his agenda was going down the drain =]
[quote]Tiribulus wrote:
“Helen Thomas = Bigot” and now retired.[/quote]
She retired over this? link? [/quote]
FOX just reported in on TV. (As probably did others) It will probably take a little for the web to catch up. Jane Skinner is this minute reiterating that she is resigning effective today.
Anyone else find it hypocritically hysterical that a woman who bills herself as a voice of compassion (liberalism) is, at heart, one of the biggest bigots out there?
Washington DC makes most who live there into America-haters. Remember how most Romans were no longer ‘Roman’ by the 2nd century AD? The provincials had become more ‘Roman’ than the Romans.
I have a special hatred for this low-life hag as she was the keynote speaker at my university graduation. The speech absolutely sucked and was filled with the usual leftist-hippy fantasies.
It warmed my heart to see true anti-semitic hatred erupt from the wrinkled yap of this vicious bitch. No sense masking any of your hate or ignorance at this point.
All young women who fancy themselves dedicated leftists should look at their fate as years of hate and intolerance(for no one is more intolerant than a hardened lefty) begin to bubble to the surface and consume your physical body.
Good riddance. Hopefully we will never hear of this creature again.
[quote]orion wrote:
Can anyone point out the “antisemitic hatred” and “bigotry” of her remarks?
I only watched the supposedly “bigoted” remarks part of the video, but I’m kind of dumbfounded as well as to what exactly she said that could be considered antisemitic.
I don’t see what she said as being anything bad. The Jews largely left their promised land after being oppressed numerous times and then decided to come back to it. They were told to fuck off. They then used force to get themselves into the area and in control of it. What is wrong with wanting to use force to get them the fuck out?
Plus whether they have a right to the land or not why stay in it if everyone hates you? You’d be doing your future generations a favor by leaving and settling in a region less likely to be wiped off the map at some point.