heat wave mess in france

What the hell is up with that?

I mean damn, is france trying to act like a 3rd world country?

Man that sucks for the families, although I can’t really say why they couldn’t help it.

I actually can not understand what went wrong there. France add teperatures around 30?C, which is not that hot and thousands died while here in Portugal we averaged 40?C (104?F) with maximum temperatures of 47?C (116?F) in some places and there have been around 1/10 of the deaths, at least according to official stats which I don’t give much credit to but anyway…

This sort of thing happened in Chicago a couple of years ago. The people in Chicago who died were all elderly.

Maybe these people dying in France are elderly, too?

Lumpy yes they are elderly, but please compare numbers…

Chicago was what, 50-100 people? That’s NOTHING like 11,000 such as france has said. Not even close.

When is the last time you can think of 11,000 people dying during an event in an industrialized nation? Discarding wars, it would have to be during major disasters and/or health problems, probably back in 1800’s.

I’m betting that water would have prevented 90+% of those deaths. Drinking more, sponging down, dampening the sheets before going to bed, etc. Lots and lots of old people live where it’s hotter than hell without AC but they know what to do. It wasn’t the heat, it was ignorance that killed them.

I was under the impression that air conditioning is fairly rare in European countries. If so, that’d explain a large part of the difference between France and Chicago.

Ultrafilter, no it would not.

People aren’t dying because the temp is 100 degrees and they have no a/c, hell if that was the case a large chunk of the world (between the tropics) would be a barren wasteland with no people on it.

It’s like steelyeyes said, lack of knowledge. It’s just depressing to see a supposed industrialized nation that would allow something that stupid to occur. Almost seems blatant in their disregard, bordering on the criminal.

The part that left me truly mystified was when I read that they were using air conditioned tents to store the corpses they couldn’t fit in the morgue, yet the hospitals couldn’t help the patients suffering from the heat because they didn’t have airconditioning. Uhhhhh, HELLLO!! Why not use the airconditioned tents for the people still living?!!! Then you wouldn’t have your morgues overflowing with corpses that require alternate storage areas.

Once again proving the fact that the French are complete, utter retards.

30 degrees celsius doesn’t seem that unusually high for France. That’s almost the weirdest part.
