Lucky… god. tier genetics
If you’re worried about your lipids, how about you do a mid cycle lipid panel?
There will always be risk / reward so having your bloods done may be worthwhile for future reference as well.
At 25mg I’m not sure you’d get that much out of Var though, I’ve never run it myself but I don’t think it’s usually run that low.
I do and my hdl crashes within 3 weeks. Before I was on prop and oxandrolone as well as arimidex… maybe if I switched arimidex to nolva I’ll have a better lipid profile?
What were your results from the oxandrolone specifically? Any issues?
Good results, weight loss, toned muscle. Def not a mass builder… issue was my hdl went from 46 to 17 and my ldl went from 120 to 188, all on 50 mg a day for 6 weeks
Meh. It’s not going to kill you. Much less impact than you’d get with tren or mast, so it’s all relative. The best drug wrt lipids is diet and training, right? So when you’re comparing drug A to natural it’s not really an apples to apples situation.
I havent read all the replies, but why not keep your TrT dose and just add in other compounds to meet your needs? Or bump your TrT dose and add other compounds?
Mast probably won’t do this
for most. The HDL part… yes, but not such a significant elevation in LDL
I had this discussion with an old timer at my gym, he says forget blasts and cruising, just get my TT to 1200 and cruise on that the rest of my life… he says good solid long term gains, no fluctuations in hormones and safer than the constant B&C…
He says if I insist on deca, just do 12 weeks a year of 200 mg…
I think this is sound advice, not sure how much I’d grow, but seems much safer. Thoughts on this?
Depends… how old are you… what’s you’re baseline T?
If you’re perfectly healthy then permenantly shutting down HPTA is moronic
I’m 41… on trt x 6 years… natural TT was 388 at age 29 and 155 mid 30s.
This is a good idea, and what I’ll probably do once I hit 40 in a few years and health becomes a bigger priority. People don’t understand how far you can get with just TRT, instead they want instant gains and their Hollywood body overnight and believe cycling is the only way to get there (yes I was one of these people not long ago). Slow and steady wins the race. My plan is TRT + low-dose primo (200mg/wk), and deca only if needed for joint pain.
Going to sound weird based on the fact the subject is safety…
but what if on trt, you forget about the deca, and instead do short, 3 week blasts of anadrol a few times per year?
I know not the healthiest but time under the curve is much shorter