HCG While on Cruise?

Hi guys. I have been cycling for 3 years now, on and off with pct after the cycle of course.
I always recovered well but I struggle to keep the gains while I’m off cycle, maybe because I am an ectomorph.
So, I’m planning to do blast and cruise.
My question is: if when I cruise with like 200mg/week of test I use hcg, will this help me in the case I decide to come off? or will it be only for aestetic purpose just to keep the balls from shrinking?

For example if I blast and cruise for 6 years, never come off completely but using hcg while cruising on low dose of test. then I decide to come off. will the fact the I used hcg while cruising give me any more change to recover better or will it be like I didn’t used hcg at all?

Thank you so much

More of a chance… ? Sure, couldn’t hurt. I wouldn’t say that your chances of pre-cycle level recovery are strong after B&C for a length period of time.

This is par for the course.

How many weeks “on”?
And how many weeks “off”?

When I was training off season, I used 8 weeks “on” followed by 4 weeks “off”. I used orals the full 8 weeks, but quit long ester injections 6 weeks “off” between last injection and first injection of the next cycle.

I started HCG one week after taking the last oral, EOD (1cc) until the 10cc’s are gone. The next cycle is a just few days wait…

(For contest my cycles were 12 weeks long)

Please keep in mind there was little science, besides Bro-science in the ‘70’s and ‘80’s

Thank you for your reply.
If I blast and cruise I can stay in cruise more than I would stay off between cycles because I will not loose gains. So I think that this will be much better for my healt also.
If I do on and off I would do like 3/3,5 blast in a year but if do blast and cruise I can blast only 2 times in a year, because I can stay in cruise longer and not loose gains. And using hcg while cruise of course. This is the plan

I did 8 weeks on when used short ester. and 12week on with longer ester.
then pct with hcg, after hcg I used clomid for 4/6weeks. then another 4 weeks without taking nothing.
so it was 8 weeks off considering pct with clomid part of the off.

Longer off time is safer, and I find no problem with that approach.

What I discovered quickly was my progress looked like 3 steps forward “on cycle” followed by 1 step backward “off cycle”. I learned to accept that reality. One thing I would do different is to back off the poundages a little. It was very common that I would get injured “off cycle”, trying to maintain my strength. I didn’t want to give that 1 step backward.

HCG isn’t just for cosmetic effect. Having your testes continue to function and produce testosterone, albeit in small amounts, has benefits, both direct and downstream. You should absolutely use it while cruising. It’s cheap and it works very well. No reason not to incorporate it.