Hcg Suggestions Without Anastrazole

Why the obsession with E2 serum levels? We don’t even measure it anymore. As soon as you stop worrying about E2 you can solve the actual problem which is what is the best protocol for you.

That’s definitely high. What do you suppose is causing it?

Just how my body aromatizes I guess… I’m going to one hcg shot a week with my test. I’ll see how I feel and what next labs look like

I couldn’t believe the number. I asked him to run labs at a different lab. Either some serious liver dysfunction or something totally out of my scope of knowledge. Doing what I can. The guy is in the Philippines and doesn’t have access to any reliable docs to handle this.

Wild. Maybe It could be an environmental factor. Did you have him change up his diet and water sources?

I asked. He has a water filter and doesn’t take any supplements of any kind. Eats clean. Nothing that I saw that could cause this. Waiting to see his new labs.

Interesting and definitely let us know if you figure it out. Very eye opening if you find out why.

Even more interesting is that this is the first time i heard about someone having such high E. guys complaing about having 10 more points and exclaim “i aromatize more than the normal person” lollll.