I recently read a compelling argument that HCG would be best used in 50iu doses on a daily basis. The reasoning behind this is basically keeping an even level and preventing the desensitizing effect of large doses of HCG. My problem is this, I only have 5000iu vials of HCG.
In order to get an accurate draw of liquid for dosing I am going to have to dilute the mixture by adding more solvent. Then using insulin needles I can accurately measure out 50iu. What is the solvent exactly, or what can I use to dilute it? My solvent vials says only that, “solvent”.
Very interested in how this works out for you as well.
I was plannin on incorporating hcg into a my upcoming cycle as well for the first time. Was thinking about using 250iu 2x wk. However it wouldnt be much more complicated to use 50iu/day or 100iu EOD.
Do you plan to load up a .5 ml insulin syringe half way and use it for say 5 days? Or a new one everytime? What are your thoughts there?
[quote]LillGuy001 wrote:
Very interested in how this works out for you as well.
I was plannin on incorporating hcg into a my upcoming cycle as well for the first time. Was thinking about using 250iu 2x wk. However it wouldnt be much more complicated to use 50iu/day or 100iu EOD.
Do you plan to load up a .5 ml insulin syringe half way and use it for say 5 days? Or a new one everytime? What are your thoughts there?[/quote]
I currently use 250iu EOD of HCG, and load a 1ml insulin syringe full each time. I then inject 1/4ml (250iu) SQ and wipe the point with an alcohol swab before re-capping the needle.
I’ve been doing it that way for 6 months so far w/o any trouble.
[quote]LillGuy001 wrote:
Very interested in how this works out for you as well.
I was plannin on incorporating hcg into a my upcoming cycle as well for the first time. Was thinking about using 250iu 2x wk. However it wouldnt be much more complicated to use 50iu/day or 100iu EOD.
Do you plan to load up a .5 ml insulin syringe half way and use it for say 5 days? Or a new one everytime? What are your thoughts there?[/quote]
I usually use a new pin everytime. But it would be much easier to load 250iu per pin and use it 5 times. Aside from having the dullest insulin needle ever I think that it could work. I may swab the needle before every injection to make sure it isn’t dirty. I do not aspirate with Sub-Q injections so liquid will only be going out.
I was using 100IU per day based on the half-life running around 30 hours. It allows for more stable levels as opposed to EOD or once/twice per week at higher dosages.
Naturally your body secretes LH throughout the day so ED dosing would seem to make the most sense. HCG also increases adrenal function, by supporting the conversion of cholesterol to pregnenolone.
I will be doing my first run with HCG this cycle (starting in the next week or two) so I am very interested to see how this works out for you. My plan was to use 250iu 2x/w along with testp/trena/mastpp…might change that to 100iu EOD though depending on how this works out for you.
Just a thought guys, but a common TRT/HRT protcol for HCG involves using 250ius two days before your test shot and the day before.
So that’s Day 1:HCG 250ius, Day 2: 250ius, Day 3: Test E 125mgs.
Not quite sure how I’d change it to apply to twice weekly test pins, but there has to be some similar application. Possibly 250 ius the day before your regular cycle pin?
Also, make sure you keep nolva on hand cuz it works great with HCG. Also, too much HCG can not only desnsitize leydig cells and impair their function, but it easily arromatizes to estro and can cause neg. sides.
OK, after doing a lot of researching, I have found what seems to be the common HCG dosage for being on cycle. It is 300-500 ius every 4th or 5th day. Hope this helps.
[quote]LayinLo wrote:
Just a thought guys, but a common TRT/HRT protcol for HCG involves using 250ius two days before your test shot and the day before.
So that’s Day 1:HCG 250ius, Day 2: 250ius, Day 3: Test E 125mgs.
Not quite sure how I’d change it to apply to twice weekly test pins, but there has to be some similar application. Possibly 250 ius the day before your regular cycle pin?
I dunno, Any thoughts on this one?[/quote]
That’s Dr. Crisler’s protocol. Once a week IM of test E with the two days before of HCG. I’m not a fan of it. His reasoning is, on the 5th and 6th day your testosterone levels will be declining. The HCG will increase the testosterone resulting in less of a drop off.
Why he doesn’t dose based on half-life is beyond me.
[quote]LayinLo wrote:
OK, after doing a lot of researching, I have found what seems to be the common HCG dosage for being on cycle. It is 300-500 ius every 4th or 5th day. Hope this helps.[/quote]
Despite the fact that this protocol was developed by a doctor I still feel that a daily low level administration of HCG would be more like the body’s natural secretion. I also feel that the manner in which I am using HCG is different from an individual on HRT.
Just a quick update.
I have just finished week 4 of Test/Tren/mast/tbol at about 1500mg/week and using 50iu injections every day. No testicular atrophy as of yet. Still early but all appears good.
I have finished 10 weeks of test/tren/mast and just finished week 2 of the stasis. I stopped hcg use in week 9 of my cycle. The atrophy noticed on cycle was minimal. However I have already noticed an increase in size. It is hard to say 100% without an actual measurement but I would venture to say that I am at least 90% of max potential.
Although the ed injections were a little bit of a hassle I still think it was worth it. I think that maybe 100iu eod may work just as well.