HCG on Long “Cycle” or Come Off for 3 Months?

Apologize to start I couldn’t find a direct answer to my case so I’ve been on 200 for 10 weeks increase to 300 and I’m on about week six of 300 I plan on running 300 for about 10 or so weeks total now I don’t plan on getting off anytime soon however I will be lowering back down 200 after the 300 blast I know it’s not much of a blast but I respond well to these doses the doctor recommended going on 200 coming off for three months and then going back on for three months so basically cycling 200 mg for three months and then going on a HCG for three months and going back on for three months at 200 mg my question is I am no longer seeing a doctor so I’m wondering if I should run 200 mg indefinitely and cycle HCG every three months on and off while I’m indefinitely running 200. However I believe this may just be messing with my system and I should just run hCG along side 200 mg together instead of cycling and shutting off and turning on the testicles repeatedly ?

Thanks fellas and gals…

Edit. Should I run nolva 20mg eod ?

You’ll get better feedback in the Pharma section of the forum as this is the TRT section.

Oh fuck. I thought I clicked pharma. Oh shit I did click pharma but I had an open draft. Fuck. Can the mods move this or should I copy and paste n delete this one here?

Lol dude this is pharma. You’re in pharma britha

It was previously moved to Pharma. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Haha thanks brotha. I’m like wtf. The man :handshake::handshake:

Edit. Haha that made my day. Too funny. Thanks :blush:

I think you’ve broken the world record for longest run-on sentence in history.

“Lets eat, Grandma!”
“Lets eat Grandma!”
Are not the same thing.

I don’t understand why you’re running HCG unless you’re trying to get someone pregnant tbh.


So his balls dont shrivel up inside his stomach and he doesnt look creepy/freaky. There are people who lose their balls completely without hcg.

As far as the original question goes, i take hcg once a week or once every 2 weeks depending on how my balls feel. I don’t lose much of their size but after a while they start to hang much less and during sex or bjs they can slip inside and that’s a bummer cuz my girl likes to play with them so as soon as i feel that starting to happen i take a shot of hcg and they are back in a few hours. So i would suggest you either go by feel if thats a problem OR just pick an injection schedule and do it regularly.


Okay so then why ‘cycle off’ HCG at all then? I’m not directing this question at you, but at OP.

If it’s to stop ball shrinkage alone, then it should be used more along the lines as you’ve stated. Otherwise, I don’t understand why one would use HCG at all - unless trying to procreate.


It would make recovery of natural testosterone production easier. If I ever come off completely, I’d do a cycle of HCG. I would do lower dose while on for a few months, then in the 3 weeks before a SERM crank it up to like 500 iu EOD.


Yes, and I’m not disputing that either. Maybe I’m misunderstanding what OP wants (high likelihood due to lack of punctuation) but starting HCG mid cycle, then stopping, then starting again… It seems unproductive to undulate like this IMO. It does make more sense for a PCT, just not mid-cycle if stopping later while still on cycle.

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Also seems to be that I stated coming off. Doing test fir 3 months. Then back to Hcg for 3 months. Total 6 months. 3 of which r test base alone. And 3 of which are only HCG

Yea I was using talk to text it did a nice job huh

True. Mine as well stay on HCG low dose. I’m just saying also if I ever get off test I’ll have a chance of recovery. Think of the balls as a factory. If the factory ain’t running the doors eventually won’t open everything will get rusted and take a while to operate

Seems like overkill unless you just like how you feel on HCG. Otherwise a few weeks would be fine

I wonderIf it’s bad to keeps shutting on and off my system Then to just stay on I guess they both have risks.

I’m sure it’s not good for you, but hCG keeps your brain suppressed, it just kind of awakens your balls. And some guys report that the effects go down overtime

can u explain? i have been on hcg for years…

It mimics the signal of LH to your balls, but it doesn’t do anything to help restart your brain. So the HPTa axis, all it’s propping up is the T.


Men seem to recover quite well from exogenous androgens given time or time and drugs to aid the process.

I won’t give medical advice, but I’ll tell you what I’d do, given I don’t plan on coming off for awhile, I would do what I said in my post above. I’d just stay on Test for now. When I am thinking about coming off, I would stay on Test and use HCG at like 200 iu EOD for like 2 months. Then when I stopped Test I would do like 3 weeks of HCG at 500 iu EOD. Then I would run Nolva at lower dose than typical for a PCT, but for a longer duration slowly tapering off of it.

I don’t think it is necessary to every couple months plump up the balls. Just do it sufficiently before you get off.

Not so much the brain, but your pituitary. HCG is an LH analog. LH is controlled by a negative feedback loop (HCG will suppress LH production). HCG will get your balls back, but you will still need to get your pituitary producing LH and FSH for a full recovery.