Hcg Illegal in Alabama?

Well time to find a new doctor. The nursetold new she thought hcg was illegal in Alabama and the doctor would not prescribe it. I can find nothing to back her statement up.

Rx hCG is not illegal. However, each State has its own laws. The feds do not consider hCG a schedule III controlled substance, however some States do. That means that there are restrictions and controls similar to prescribing testosterone. hCG is not illegal.

You can find info about this on the WWW but you can’t tell if the information is stale or incomplete.

Well I contacted a compounding pharmacy in the area. They gave me a name of a doctor who prescribes it in the area. He just said that it didn’t come through much. I think it’s just a lack of knowledge on my doctor’s office. Might be time to check out that doctor. It’s hard to find a good one it seems.