I have to take a urine test tomorrow. I dont normally smoke but did on july 15th because I was moving away from home and will not be back for a long time so some friends got me in on it. I went out and bought a tester from walgreens (the most expensive one) and it said I passed but by a slim margin.
I was wondering what the normal procedure is and if at the lab they make me get undressed because I could use substitution, but would rather just use my own urine. I am aware of temperature issues and whatnot. Please let me know any advice if you have any. I am not a regular smoker since college which I graduated from over three years ago.
You’re fine. The average length of time for THC to remain in your system is three weeks for most individuals, I believe. Low body fat = less time, higher body fat = more time.
Either way, after two months you aren’t going to fail a urine test.
[quote]nl5kb wrote:
I have to take a urine test tomorrow. I dont normally smoke but did on july 15th because I was moving away from home and will not be back for a long time so some friends got me in on it. I went out and bought a tester from walgreens (the most expensive one) and it said I passed but by a slim margin.
I was wondering what the normal procedure is and if at the lab they make me get undressed because I could use substitution, but would rather just use my own urine. I am aware of temperature issues and whatnot. Please let me know any advice if you have any. I am not a regular smoker since college which I graduated from over three years ago.[/quote]
Woah July 15th? That is a long ass time. The test was probably shitty. Or you must be one fat-ass…
Like the other people said 99% you’re fine. Drink lots of water regardless, excessive amounts. The amount of money whoever is drug testing you is shelling out will determine how exact the test will be, but the worst thing that will happen is the test will be inconclusive and they’ll make you take another at a later date.
Wow that is a very long time for it to stay in your system at those levels for a one time thing. Usually one time use is detectable for less than seven days. Anyway the standard pre-employment drugscreen only tests down to 50ng/ml so you should be fine. If ya’ never done it before, they will probably give you a cup and tell you the procedure. Show you the bathroom, throw a blue tab in the toilet and tell you don’t flush or turn on the sink. Then leave ya alone. You really shouldn’t worry. Maybe drink an extra glass or two in the morning so you are a little more dilute but still in normal limits.
thanx duece I know what you mean about the ng/ml’s but yea man i had 40ng/ml’s and i havent smoked besides once in the last year. You guys make me feel better i will stick to a lot of water and my normal creatine intake and go from there.
jp_dubya i have no clue what you mean when you say eat fats. I will say I eat 40/50/10 fats/protein/fat as a normal diet daily for the past six months and have seen the most amazing results ever.
[quote]nl5kb wrote:
thanx duece I know what you mean about the ng/ml’s but yea man i had 40ng/ml’s and i havent smoked besides once in the last year. You guys make me feel better i will stick to a lot of water and my normal creatine intake and go from there.
jp_dubya i have no clue what you mean when you say eat fats. I will say I eat 40/50/10 fats/protein/fat as a normal diet daily for the past six months and have seen the most amazing results ever.
You’re fine. If you did fail however, I’d bump up the carbs just a bit, so you’re not releasing THC from your fat stores. That’s what JPW was talking about.
Also, if you fail, just call the medical officer # on the form you get back and say you went to a jam or rap concert last month (pick an actual concert, duh) and are worried secondhand smoke skewed your results. The people giving these tests are more worried about people who don’t have the self-control to stop smoking for a week (and there are sadly plenty out there) - I wouldn’t have a qualms about lying.
I just took an ambien to help my ass get to sleep. 30 minutes later I’m not sleepy at all, but it’s like I’m in a totally altered state of consciousness. I feel like I’m carving these characters into a stone wall in Ancient Rome or some shit. I heard some whispering voices, was it Jesus? I am going to put my headphones on right now, if you don’t ming. Holy fuck this shit is getting heavy.
Now I know why emeinem gets addicted to this shit. Speaking of eminem: they said I can’t rap about bein broke no more… they didn’t say I can’t rap about coke no more! slut! you think i won’t choke no whore till her vocal chords don’t work in her throught no more! you ain’t nuthin but the balls to beef i’m a pop off at the mouth bitches too fuck with shady cuz shady wanna fuck why cuz shady will fucking BITCH IMA KILL YOU!
Here’s a secret, I often bash doctors, but I secretly wish that I was an ER doctor, or better yet, a trauma surgeon. Can you imagine a more manly career than pulling bullets out of mothafuckas? problem is, uni-faggot-versal fucking healthcare, and then I have too many convicionts to get in. i am so going regret posting this shit in the morning. my apologies in advance. thank you and goodnight.
[quote]belligerent wrote:
I just took an ambien to help my ass get to sleep. 30 minutes later I’m not sleepy at all, but it’s like I’m in a totally altered state of consciousness. I feel like I’m carving these characters into a stone wall in Ancient Rome or some shit. I heard some whispering voices, was it Jesus? I am going to put my headphones on right now, if you don’t ming. Holy fuck this shit is getting heavy.
Now I know why emeinem gets addicted to this shit. Speaking of eminem: they said I can’t rap about bein broke no more… they didn’t say I can’t rap about coke no more! slut! you think i won’t choke no whore till her vocal chords don’t work in her throught no more! you ain’t nuthin but the balls to beef i’m a pop off at the mouth bitches too fuck with shady cuz shady wanna fuck why cuz shady will fucking BITCH IMA KILL YOU!
Here’s a secret, I often bash doctors, but I secretly wish that I was an ER doctor, or better yet, a trauma surgeon. Can you imagine a more manly career than pulling bullets out of mothafuckas? problem is, uni-faggot-versal fucking healthcare, and then I have too many convicionts to get in. i am so going regret posting this shit in the morning. my apologies in advance. thank you and goodnight.[/quote]
rofl, this is pure gold. Quoted just in case he remembers and tries to edit it later.
[quote]belligerent wrote:
I just took an ambien to help my ass get to sleep. 30 minutes later I’m not sleepy at all, but it’s like I’m in a totally altered state of consciousness. I feel like I’m carving these characters into a stone wall in Ancient Rome or some shit. I heard some whispering voices, was it Jesus? I am going to put my headphones on right now, if you don’t ming. Holy fuck this shit is getting heavy.
Now I know why emeinem gets addicted to this shit. Speaking of eminem: they said I can’t rap about bein broke no more… they didn’t say I can’t rap about coke no more! slut! you think i won’t choke no whore till her vocal chords don’t work in her throught no more! you ain’t nuthin but the balls to beef i’m a pop off at the mouth bitches too fuck with shady cuz shady wanna fuck why cuz shady will fucking BITCH IMA KILL YOU!
Here’s a secret, I often bash doctors, but I secretly wish that I was an ER doctor, or better yet, a trauma surgeon. Can you imagine a more manly career than pulling bullets out of mothafuckas? problem is, uni-faggot-versal fucking healthcare, and then I have too many convicionts to get in. i am so going regret posting this shit in the morning. my apologies in advance. thank you and goodnight.[/quote]
[quote]belligerent wrote:
That was mad dumb. I didn’t know Ambien could fuck you up like that.[/quote]
I’ve taken Ambien many times, and i’ve yelled at my ex girlfriend, had coversations, and I remember none of it.
The same girl has emailed me after taking Ambien, and half of it is just plain jibberish. One time, she invited a couple from Chicago (whom she met only once) to a party she was having, and they showed up. Needless to say she was very surprised. Also, she invited a friend from Germany, but he couldn’t attend. She didn’t remember sending them invitations. Funny as hell.