Anyone here with this? I’m 28 and have been on and off TRT with little success. I’ve tried tons of stuff over the past years with only small gains on addressing low mood, joint pain, fatigue, apathy, low libido, poor strength, restless sleep, etc. I’m restarting thyroid meds now with only mild success. Have tried DHEA 50mg- too much. Trying 25mg now. 20 days into gluten and dairy free diet with no palpable results yet. Total T for me bounces between 400 and 500, free T between 9 and 12. Thyroid labs not in currently but afternoon body temp hits 98.6F on thyroid meds. I am fit and have performed weight training and moderate cardio every week for over a decade. No further gains in years due to poor hormone status. I would love to feel “good” again. Anyone with Hashimoto’s and low T have any tips or experience to share? It would be greatly welcomed.