Hardening/Bulking Cycle?

ey guys. I was wondering if this would work as a hard bulking cycle with an EXTRA clean diet and 6x/week intense training:
im a mesomorph, 180lbs, 13%bf and i want to gain some mass (7-15lbs)and harden up. i have the tren dbol test e on hand. what would you change? or is this cycle gtg?

week 1-14 test e 500mg/day
week 1-3 dbol 60mg/day
week 3-10 tren ace 50mg/day
week 4-16 EQ 400mg/week
week 15-16 test prop 50mg ed

and i might add winstrol 11-16 50mg/day

pct 5 weeks long starting at week 19 so the eq can clear out
hcg 1 shot/week
clomid 100/100/50/50/50

What is your cycle experience?

3500mg of test per week might be just a tad high…

I’d lower the Dbol dosage and lengthen the time on it to 4-5 weeks, choose either tren or eq (both seems kind’ve pointless), winny sounds good IMO

How tall are you?

Woah looking back, the most important determining factors here are:

How old are you?

What is your previous cycling experience?

and yeah the test E 500 mg /day i think is a typo… i HOPE lol per week makes more sense.

Yeah I figured haha! Just wasn’t sure if he meant 50/day or 500/week so wanted to clarify that :stuck_out_tongue:

OP, your hub says you are 19 years old. If that is correct, then I suggest you do not continue with this cycle until you are older.

I agree with Rational Gaze, depending on your previous cycle experience I think you are using too many compounds at once.

Troll Tuesday, huh?