Hard to Believe They Buy This?

Purported al-Zarqawi tape: Democracy a lie

(CNN) – An Internet recording claiming to be from wanted terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi condemned democracy as “the big American lie” on Sunday and said participants in Iraq’s January 30 election are enemies of Islam.

The authenticity of the message could not immediately be confirmed by CNN.

“We have declared a bitter war against democracy and all those who seek to enact it,” said the speaker in the 35-minute message.

“Democracy is also based on the right to choose your religion,” he said, and that is “against the rule of God.”

The message was posted on two Islamist Web sites that have carried previous messages thought to be from al-Zarqawi. Al-Zarqawi heads an insurgent group believed responsible for numerous car bombings and beheadings throughout Iraq.

Al-Zarqawi recently renamed his group from Unification and Jihad to al Qaeda in Iraq. The United States has placed $25 million bounties on al-Zarqawi and Osama bin Laden, whose recent taped messages have endorsed al-Zarqawi’s acts of terrorism. (Full story)

The speaker attacked the Iraqi interim government as a tool used by the “Americans to promote this lie that is called democracy … You have to be careful of the enemy’s plots that involve applying democracy in your country and confront these plots, because they only want to do so to … give the rejectionists the rule of Iraq. And after fighting the Baathists … and the Sunnis, they will spread their insidious beliefs, and Baghdad and all the Sunni areas will become Shiite. Even now, the signs of infidelity and polytheism are on the rise.”

The speaker said that 4 million Iranians had entered Iraq to vote in the coming elections.

“Oh, people of Iraq, where is your honor?” he asked. “Have you accepted oppression of the crusader harlots … and the rejectionist pigs?”

“For all these issues, we declared war against, and whoever helps promote this and all those candidates, as well as the voters, are also part of this, and are considered enemies of God,” the tape said.

On Friday, a video posted on an Islamist Web site showed two Iraqis apparently being beheaded on a city sidewalk. In the past, the Web site has shown video verified as having been produced by a group led by al-Zarqawi. CNN could not confirm the authenticity of the video.

In the 10-minute video, the two men tell their kidnappers that they drove truckloads of food and supplies to a U.S. base in the central Iraqi town of Ramadi

[quote]hedo wrote:
Purported al-Zarqawi tape: Democracy a lie


“Democracy is also based on the right to choose your religion,” he said, and that is “against the rule of God.”

Please don’t interpret this as a conspiracy theory - as somebody once said, “Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity” - but am I the only one that finds it incredibly odd the way the Al-Qaeda guys do a superb job at legitimizing whatever Bush says?

If I was Bush’s press secretary, I’d personally hire Al-Qaeda - their timing and results are worthy of a high-paying PR firm for Bush!

(Hspder is now leaving the room, before the inflow of dozens of replies from conservatives that will now follow flaming me and/or raving about Bush’s obvious leadership qualities and God-given prophetic gift)


Legitmate comment from the left. Hey you never know!

However I think it illlustrates the level that “fantasy idealogy” has permenated the Islamofacists. Not the end but perhaps the beginning of the end.

This type of bullshit tends to generate a wtf response, even from your supporters.

hspdr: I like your new Avatar. Anyway, good post. Did you laugh like I did while reading the article?

[quote]hedo wrote:
The speaker attacked the Iraqi interim government as a tool used by the “Americans to promote this lie that is called democracy … You have to be careful of the enemy’s plots that involve applying democracy in your country and confront these plots, because they only want to do so to … give the rejectionists the rule of Iraq. And after fighting the Baathists … and the Sunnis, they will spread their insidious beliefs, and Baghdad and all the Sunni areas will become Shiite. Even now, the signs of infidelity and polytheism are on the rise.”


From everything I have learned about religions muslims are suppossed to not fight other muslims. Here we have a fine example of what this guys real problem is!

It is not just the USA, it is really the Shiite muslims, and them turning the other muslims into shiite(which is not happening)…

Basically, as long as our section is in control all muslims will get along, but now that another group of muslims have majority, it is against God.
