Happy April 19th!

I just wanted to hope that all my fellow Americans enjoyed Lexington and Concord Day. I celebrated by filling a makeshift redcoat with tannerite and blowing the hell out of it. There was red felt all over the place. 'Twas a thing of beauty. I finished it all up with a six pack of Sam Adams.

Anyone else lift a glass to our fellows who sent the British scurrying back to Boston?


A great day - and thanks for the reminder.

The parade goes right by my house.

I spent yesterday & today in Concord. On a memorial was inscribed:

“They came three thousand miles and died
To keep the past upon the throne,
Unheard, beyond the ocean tide,
Their English Mother made her moan.”

As an Oklahoman, forgive me for not being particularly celebratory about April 19th.

[quote]tGunslinger wrote:
As an Oklahoman, forgive me for not being particularly celebratory about April 19th.[/quote]

I’m more of a 4/20 guy myself. But nothing tops March 14th for me (PI day).

Good for you! Good riddance from those power-hungry imperialistic Brits. I’m sure you’ve inspired (and continue to inspire) many.

[quote]Headhunter wrote:
tGunslinger wrote:
As an Oklahoman, forgive me for not being particularly celebratory about April 19th.

I’m more of a 4/20 guy myself. But nothing tops March 14th for me (PI day).


Just in case nobody understood what I meant:

In any event, I don’t intend to hijack mike’s thread any further.

^ I sure will!

Happy 4/20 Dudes!

I celebrated with several bottles of Samuel Adams Boston lager. Seemed appropriate.

Happy Patriot’s Day, brothers.

Oh, and Gunslinger? Remember, remember the fifth of November. We can still celebrate Guy Fawkes’ Day, even if we think the guy himself was an asshole.

The funny thing about the OKC bombing is that for all his trouble, Tim McVeigh missed his intended target (the BATF), because they all took the day off for some reason. Curious.

As a Boston who scurried over to Britain, I celebrated in a muted fashion - just a pint of Boddingtons outside the Tower of London… No need to be in-the-face about it, given our current friendliness. =-)