The Texas Chainsaw Massacre(Good)
Nightmare on Elm Street(gotta love freddy)
The Leapricon (funny as hell)
Dawn of the Dead(new one, badass)
People Under the Stairs(funny, ok movie)
The Exorcist(my god)
Jeepers Creepers 1/2(surprisingly good)
My goal is to rent as many messed up scary movies as I can before Halloween. Any suggestions? I will be watching these with my GF and nothing seems to phase her, so I don’t mean “classic” horror flicks that people say are scary just out of principle. I want one that will truly scare the shit out of me here. (no disrespect to classics, lovem as long as they give a scare)
In addition to a couple of good suggestions I’ve seen so far:
(1) The Hills Have Eyes - a classic.
(2) The Changeling - also a classic.
(3) Cabin Fever - I thought this was fun
(4) House of 1000 Corpses - I thought this was pretty disturbing
Definitely watch House of 1000 Corpses That movie is insane. I love it.
Some other good ones are:
In the Mouth of Madness
House on Haunted Hill
Pet Cemetary
Thirteen Ghosts (not that scary but fun)
Something Wicked This Way Comes
The Haunting (The Original 1963 Version)
The Omen
Event Horizon
The Serpent and the Rainbow
Silver Bullet
Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory (The Oompa Loompa’s are the freakiest damn things I’ve ever seen. They scared me to death when I was little and they still do today.)
I will say 1000 Corpses disturbed me also, damn. The Ring is a good recommendation, too bad you can’t get the Grudge yet on video. You get Ju-On the origninal Japanese version of the Grudge. Check out The Eye too, it’s a chinese film, so hope you don’t mind subtitles. It’s really freaking creepy though.
I thought the Shinning was pretty fucking scary. Heard the Omen was freaky as hell. The Ring freaky ass shit, and the original japanese version of the ring, heard that was even freakier. Although a pg-13 movie, the 6th sense freaked the shit out of me…
[quote]DeterminedNate wrote:
I thought the Shinning was pretty fucking scary. Heard the Omen was freaky as hell. The Ring freaky ass shit, and the original japanese version of the ring, heard that was even freakier. Although a pg-13 movie, the 6th sense freaked the shit out of me…[/quote]The 6th sense was great,I can’t belive american beauty got the best film award that year and 6th sense didn’t.
There was a show on Bravo last night discussing the top 100 horror movies of all time. The one that stood out to me and looked the scaries had to be the Japanese movie “Audition”
Man, the concept and cinemetography just look freaky as hell. I’m definitely going to see that.