Hair Loss From Test Only Cycle

As said above I was on 600mg pw.

@Beyond_Beyond I was looking at running 500 test and 400 eq for my next cycle.

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Finkle, Its all down to the individual, and their genetic predisposition for balding. Some people lose hair and stay bald. Some guys seem to take tons of gear and still have a head of full hair.

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500 Test /wk is still too high for my liking. I like the lowest possible amount of test to minimise androgenic side effects, like balding and acne. 200-250mg is good, but you could even get by with 125mg.

It all depends on what kind of look you are going for. After a certain point, the more mg/wk of any steroids you take, even low andro ones is going a toll on your hairline. Iā€™m a big believer in trying to get as much as you can from low doses then upping the dose a little the next cycle if you think you need a bit more. If you start getting negative sides cut back a bit.

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I was considering using a dht derivative on top of test for the strength gains (Iā€™m in this equally for the strength as the physique) though after noticing the significant hair thinning I think that will be off the cards for me. The only thing that concerns me about eq is the effects on cardiovascular health.

Something else i was considering was just running the high dose of test but using prop and only running it for 10-12 weeks. I noticed the hair thinning more towards the end of the 16 week cycle so this may be an option.