Dreamt that I went to a T-Nation/T-Magnum shindig over in the states. Everybody had to wear a name tag and I was dreaming that I met all of you forum regulars�?�
Push looked just like Danny Trejo, he was wearing a poncho and nothing else. He was there with MesusPush who looked very pretty.
Christine had that freaking grin on her face and was encircled by drooling blokes, think I saw Livefromthe781 grope her ass. Ye bastard.
Makavali was graffiti-ing every bare wall in the hall.
Renton was this big bald POME walking around with his massive dong dragging along behind him.
Ourboro, the Anj and Renee and were skipping off with me to somewhere more private. (its my dream… kiss my ass)
WolBarret looked like Billy Dee Williams.
ImHungry was a real white tiger, nobody wanted to talk to him for fear of being eaten. Makavali was trying to write on his fur with a texta.
AccepiterQ was meeting people and opening conversations well, but after 5 minutes or so it turned into a screaming match and all-out brawl.
Angry vader was a fat guy with a darth vader helmet and the “Luke I am your father” line wasnt funny the first 2000 times.
Geminspector was a cardboard cut-out of the redheaded cartoon chick in her avatar, but guys were hitting on her anyway.
Print was hopping from conversation to conversation and misquoting other people in an attempt to pit T-Men against each other. His dog was there too.
Cheeta almost slipped on the man-drool and semen that we all expelled the second she walked through the door.
October girl and DebraD were getting it on. that was sweet.
Rah-knee was being burned at the stake.
Damici was running out of paper and had phone numbers scribbled on his biceps.
Suddenly Thibs walked in and everyone dropped to their knees and began worshipping.
Manthony why do I still think this is one of your tamer dreams
because it is. im leaving out the juicy details.
ever since that boobie pic you put on the T-Vixen thread, my dreams have been seasoned with you, OG… and MSM. OMG i forgot to include the part about MSM!