215 (190-195prior to cycle)
Training for 5 years
75Mg tren ace ed
250Mg test cyp e3d
Good pct on hand
Caber and stane on hand
I have been dirty bulking to my chagrin and have gotten quite puffy overall. Carbs and sodium are through the roof. I have been on the road and doing anything to keep macros high…including burger binges and chinese buffet power eating three times a week. My chest has always.been a bit droopy with downward.nipples and droopy skin on the side…but now i just look rediculous.
NOTE: (3 months ago.i suffered a shoulder injury and it has effected all chest training. I continued with the cycle because i was still.able to train every other group hard at 85-100%. Chest has been limited to 205 on smith machine…hammer strength pump blasts and pushups.)
I am paranoid about gyno because i have had small fits of irritated nipples. This could also be irritation from shaving my chest and wearing body armor in the heat, as my whole chest overall has been itchy at times. However, the nipples have suffered a sunburn feeling and itching . Can gyno effects happen without puffy nipples and a hard lump underneath?
The nipples havent changed in size or shape at all…just droopy and loose feeling. I have had caber snd stane on hand but have not been running throughout until i feared this was gyno. Now i read up to find only leteo can be effective if symptoms start ( i was under the advice of a " bro-it all " semi pro bodybuilder) my gains have been insane up 195-215 in 8 weeks as a hard gainer so this could just be extra fat combined with a regressing chest routine. I am hopeing pics will tell the story if anyone is more of an expert on the subject matter. I also included some.pics from last month to see if anyone can spot differences that may be evidence. I am standing by to order letro overnight if need be but id like to make sure before blasting this stuff without reason. I do some high athletic stuff in my job and i fear the letro will aggravate old knee injuries and my current shoulder issue. So far running the caber and stane while cleaning up the diet and adding some cardio blasts to the routine in order to see if this could water weight or extra fat. I have lost a ton of definition as
You can see.
[quote]theunionforever wrote:
215 (190-195prior to cycle)
Training for 5 years
75Mg tren ace ed
250Mg test cyp e3d
Good pct on hand
Caber and stane on hand
I have been dirty bulking to my chagrin and have gotten quite puffy overall. Carbs and sodium are through the roof. I have been on the road and doing anything to keep macros high…including burger binges and chinese buffet power eating three times a week. My chest has always.been a bit droopy with downward.nipples and droopy skin on the side…but now i just look rediculous.
NOTE: (3 months ago.i suffered a shoulder injury and it has effected all chest training. I continued with the cycle because i was still.able to train every other group hard at 85-100%. Chest has been limited to 205 on smith machine…hammer strength pump blasts and pushups.)
I am paranoid about gyno because i have had small fits of irritated nipples. This could also be irritation from shaving my chest and wearing body armor in the heat, as my whole chest overall has been itchy at times. However, the nipples have suffered a sunburn feeling and itching . Can gyno effects happen without puffy nipples and a hard lump underneath? The nipples havent changed in size or shape at all…just droopy and loose feeling. I have had caber snd stane on hand but have not been running throughout until i feared this was gyno. Now i read up to find only leteo can be effective if symptoms start ( i was under the advice of a " bro-it all " semi pro bodybuilder) my gains have been insane up 195-215 in 8 weeks as a hard gainer so this could just be extra fat combined with a regressing chest routine. I am hopeing pics will tell the story if anyone is more of an expert on the subject matter. I also included some.pics from last month to see if anyone can spot differences that may be evidence. I am standing by to order letro overnight if need be but id like to make sure before blasting this stuff without reason. I do some high athletic stuff in my job and i fear the letro will aggravate old knee injuries and my current shoulder issue. So far running the caber and stane while cleaning up the diet and adding some cardio blasts to the routine in order to see if this could water weight or extra fat. I have lost a ton of definition as
You can see.[/quote]
Hi, your photos shows no gyno to my eyes atleast.
However usually puffy and sore nipples are the first sign of gyno so i can see your concern. I didn’t quite get have you used any AI when you were on cycle? To me it seems like you used none and only started recently also you didn’t specify how long you’ve been on this cycle. Or i simply missed it.
Anyway, it’s totally possible that you’re suffering from “marathon runners tits”. Apparently in english you call them “chafing”.
It happens when you have to jog/work alot with sweaty shirt/equipment.
In constant motion your nipples rubs against the wet shirt and the effect is a blister like burning and sore feeling to the nipples even if you don’t see any actual blisters. Been there myself and the feeling is horrible indeed. Marathon runners use tape to protect the nipples so i’d definitely try that.
On top of my head I also suggest you cut back with the cycle because you’re injured apparently and, i assume you’ve been on this cycle for long now.