That’s a decent body - nothing extremely impressive but better than average. I personally believe that it could be attained without steroids. You are older than the some, but I know many guys who don’t even eat great and still look like that, although with perhaps slightly smaller arms.
I think I am relieved to hear that…at least financially…lol…
But would really appreciate a workout plan and diet plan…if you think I need one…
So, what I am doing is fine…or do I need some fine tuning to what I am doing and eating? Please advise…
You’re asking for guys to lay stuff out that you can easily research yourself, or pay someone to lay out for you. That’s a lot of information and help you are asking for, hence what personal trainers and such are meant for. All of the info you can find on your own though as well.
This is not meant to be an insult, but no- what you are doing is not fine. It’s not an opinion, it’s just common sense. If your objective is to look like that guy, and you’ve been working out for 3 years, and you look like your profile picture, then you need to do a lot of things differently.
Reminds me of the one time a kid at work told me he was taking “protein pills” that turned out to be tribulus
Tell abt ur nutrition. Each and everything u need to track if u are focused on achieving the pic u showed. Get the diet correct and lean down. Wat u are showing can be achieved naturally. It will take time but it’s worth every step taken.
If you take training and diet seriously then you can achieve that physique without drugs. You just need a program that works for you and a diet that supports it.
What have you been doing up to this point as far as diet? Walk me through a typical day, breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, etc. What are your current macros and total calories?
Edit: Here, I’ll give you an example from my typical day.
Wake up at 7:00am, make coffee, listen to part of a podcast, get ready and go to work. I’m there by 9:00 most days. At this point I’ve yet to eat. I bring breakfast and it’s the same every day; two hard boiled eggs, two cracker-cuts of sharp white cheddar cheese, two slices of ham. I consume 48oz of water during my workday. Lunch is usually a large salad with a lot of cruciferous vegetables like broccoli. After lunch is a handful of nuts. Fats help keep me full longer. Between lunch at 12:00-12:30 and dinner at 9:00-9:30 I don’t eat anything else. Dinner is usually a hunk of meat, vegetables, and maybe a starchy carb if I’m craving one. Typically rice does the trick, but I try to cut carbs as much as possible because otherwise they’re all I would eat. I know that I have a weakness for that sort of thing so i try to limit it. Knowing your habits is incredibly helpful. I lift and do cardio before dinner, usually 7:30-8:45 (or some variation thereof). That is a normal day for me. Right now I’m trying to cut, so the only thing I’ve changed is the total amount of food I’m eating. The basic layout is the same. If I were to start bulking again I would add extra snacks here and there, things like tuna and more nuts, but keep the foundation the same. Sunday night is when I boil eggs for the work week. After they’ve cooled I put two of them in a Tupperware container along with the ham and cheese and I take it the next day. I do that every night. It’s a routine. Get into one.
I guess I am that kid…who was unlucky to not have anyone guide him…
Thank you very much for this suggestion…I will share such a brief with you shortly
I am sorry…didn’t realize my request was so overwhelming…
Thank you and not cinsidering it an insult…i knew what I am doing is not working up to my expectations. Thus, your statement is accurate…I realize I need to do stuff differentl…but what exactly…? Research like aaronca said…ok…will do…at least tell me where to start…or do I just type in workout routine in google and go from there…I know that is what I have been doing the last three years…the videos I see of workout routines or articles I read…all seemed right, but just couldn’t get the right one for me…I have tried a number of such workout plans…
There’s tons on workouts and diet on T nation, body building dot com, and countless others. Pick a program that seems to fit your goals, and some programs have pretty detailed diet information as well.
Use MyFitness pal to track your calories and help key in on your diet.
I recommend to newbies that they look up the ‘Fierce Five Novice Routine’. 3 days a week, a good overall split and guaranteed progression if you’re following it properly.
Iron, do you feel like you’re able to gain muscle on this? I read this and am so incredibly jealous. My wife always comments how expensive I am to feed haha. I take it you have struggled with weight in the past or at least have a slower metabolism?
There are other places on these forums that deal with workout routines and dieting too, I believe.
Scroll through the list, find your category and then ask for help. It is a good way to get to know more of the members, plus find more opinions and select Your route.
Prolly not.
This dude used to clown me for working out and ratted me out to management for steroid use because I took creatine.
Then when he decided to get into a gym, he hit me up for advice. Dude went from fat to MySpace era emo boy skinny
Search YouTube for athleanx. The videos are good because for someone that has no idea they tell you exactly what to do and how (especially form). Start there.
I was always bigger, but not fat. High school and college I was full of muscle but not much definition. Then I got out of the gym and got lean for a bunch of years. Then I had a kid, made some great money, and decided that I should get fat. Since then it’s been a struggle. I spent 16 months losing 50lbs, then after trt put 45 back on, most of it not fat. During that bulking up phase I just ate what I wanted as long as it had a purpose. I stopped enjoying food because food is simply fuel. Fat Yuppie loved food. I can’t be him anymore, so now I just eat what I need. Once in a while I’ll allow myself to enjoy something, but otherwise I just eat what I need to.
Ask me again in a few months (or two weeks of I get antsy) when I try to bulk up. I may not be able to get it done with my current diet. But I’m willing to bet I can if the calories are high enough.
I dig it man! I’ve always struggled with the exact opposite issue. I was 5’10 and 135lbs at age 24. Straight up looked like I was sick. Years of forcing down 4000 calories a day, and finally got up to 175 and sub 10% BF. I’m now hovering at 200 and ~12% but it’s proving tough to continue eating healthy and get to that 215/220 weight.
Blessing and a curse I suppose. I can eat a ton and never go over 13% BF. But I struggle big time with putting on any size be it muscle or fat.