Wow triple post. Workout went OK pain free. The only thing bugging me is when i set up to do the anti-rotation split stance cable press, the right side of my back will crack. No pain but is a sign of a lack of stability or it could just be all in my head.
12/9/10 Thurs
45 Min walk damn cold
stretching throughout afternoon- Need to work on my hammies and hips, tight as hell.
This seating in class for 5 hours is not doing me any good, only one more week.
Ok day hip is still funny, back feels fine, old rib injury is acting up because of the cold. But I will still finish this training cycle off. I have two weeks to recover from any retarded shit I do in the next three days.
12/10/10 Friday Upper
Dynamic Warm-up
Static Hip Flexor Stretch
Close Grip Bench Press 235 x3 x3 x3 Another body weight PR
Flat Bench Wide Grip Thumbless 205x8 Bothered my right Pec a bit, nothing bad.
Inverse Row Feet on Bench BWx3x20
Pull-downs with Handles 160x3x12 ala Gentilcores recent article thrashed my Lats.
Pull Apart’s Mini Band x3x30
DB Curls 35x3x10
Side Planks 2x45
Stir the Pots 3x30
15 Min Treadmill Intervals-Moderate
Stretching and Foam Rolling
I feel like someone beat me all over with a baseball bat, damn tired. I couldn’t even force my self to take my 45 min trudge outside.
12/11/10 Cardio
Foam Rolling and Dynamic Warmup
Treadmill 10 min
Cross Trainer 10 min
Bike 10 min
All done with moderate intervals
More foam rolling and stretching.
My back is feeling much better then last week. I am having a friend over just going to relax and pound a few brews.
12/12/10 Cardio
Foam Rolling and Dynamic Warm up
Treadmill 15 min
Cross Trainer 10 min
Bike 10 min
All done with moderate intervals
More foam rolling and stretching.
Again better then last week. For the following two weeks I will being going in Mon, Wen, and Fri I will just be performing rehab exercises and core work along with some steady state cardio. The only thing I am going to push in this down period is mobility and anti-rotation work. I want to get my hip pain figured out and put a plan together to fix it up during winter break.
12/13/10 Deload
Dynamic Warm-up
X band walks x2x10
Hip Air Plane 3x3 -Have not done these in a while.
Hip int/ext rotations 8x2x12
1 arm kb swing 20x1x10
balance drills x2
shoulder int/ext rotations 10x2x12
Split Stance rows 20x2x15
Side Planks x2x45 sec
Stir the Pots x3x30 sec
Push-ups 1x20
15 min Cross Trainer cardio
Just getting some activity in to offset the 5 sitting marathon that is class tomorrow.
Stretching and a walk outside.
45 min walk outside
bw sqauts and lunges
hip,ankle, and t-spine mobility
balance drill
clams w/light tube x3x10
bridges 1x10
self soft tissue work-lats, piriformis, quads, and hip.
static stretching
I have an appointment with the ortho this week and a session with a KB and MMA trainer next week to perfect my KB swing, very excited. Not to mention I am feeling better then last week and am still deloading. It is always better to take a step back and then a few step forwards, always consolidate your gains and progress.
12/14/10 Lower Deload/Recovery
Dynamic Warm up
Hip, Ankle, and T-spine Mobility-Tennis Ball/Foam Roll-Static Stretching-Right Quad, Hip, and Hamstrings.
BW Squat, Lunge, and Cossack Squat x10
Hip Airplanes x2x3
Cook Hip Lift x2x10
KB 1 Arm Swing 30x2x5
KB Bottoms up carry 30x2x25 yards=100 Yards
1 Arm Kneeling Cable Press 15,20,25 3x15
Rotary Control Drill-Push-up Position x2
Side Planks x2x45
Spinning Bike 5 miles moderate intervals
Ice Knee 20 Min
Massage Stick Right Leg-Quad,IT-band,Hip Flexors, Abductors, Hamstring Insertions.
Theracane-Lats and Psoas.
45 min walk outside
T-spine, Hip, and Ankle Mobility drill
Static Stretching
My glutes are fried for some reason. This must be a good thing as it means they are taking the brunt of the load
with hip ext movements.
I think I went a bit overboard with the theracane I believe I upset my femoral nerve a bit, nothing serious I just cant dig around in the upper hip with reckless abandon.
12/17/10 Fri Deload/Recovery
Dynamic Warm up
Mobility Drills
Balance Drills
Static hip Stretching
X band Walks 2x10
1 leg bride left only x10
int/ext hip rotations 8x2x12
int/ext shoulder rotations 10x2x10
Pull aparts mini band x2x10
YTL’s 5x2x30
Flat Bench Press 45x10 95x10 155x2x15
Inverse Rows feet up bwx2x20
Split Stance Cable Chops 30x2x8
db Curls 25x2x10
Stir the Pots x3x30
25 min Treadmill
Stretching/Foam Rolling Lower body.
The theracane destroyed me from wen. I will not be using it so vigorously any time soon
12/18/10 Cardio and Recovery
Foam Rolling
Hip, T-spine, and Ankle Mobility drills
Balance drills
lateral band walks blue x2
Cook Hip Lift Lx2x10
Cross Trainer 15 min intervals
Treadmill 15 min intervals
Stretching/Foam Rolling Lower body.
Ice Knee and Hip 20 Min x2 per day doctors orders
loaded eccentric leg ext 50x2x10- The Ortho said this would help strengthen my ligaments, different approach but I will give it a go.
Walk outside 30 min
12/19/10 Cardio
Foam Rolling
Hip, T-spine, and Ankle Mobility drills
Balance drills
lateral band walks blue x2
Cross Trainer 15 min intervals
Treadmill 20 min intervals
Stretching/Foam Rolling Lower body.
The leg ext jacked my knees up even my good one. If it is one thing I know do not train painful movements, doctors are retarded I am so sick of incompetent pt’s and ortho’s. On a good note the T-spine mobility drills have payed of I can feel a real difference now.
Dynamic Warm up mobility drills etc
1 Arm KB swing 20x1x10
Incline Bench 135x3x10
1 Arm Cable Row 30x2x15
Pulldown 120x2x10
Side Planks x3
Pull Aparts x2
KB extensions x2
Stir the Pots x3
Arc Trainer 15 min Intervals
Dynamic Warm up mobility drills etc
Treadmill 25 min Moderate intervals with 4-5 incline
I had my KB session today it went great. We worked on some hip mobility drills and then worked on my 1 arm and 2 arm swing, clean, and press. Needless to say I had a great workout, my back felt fine and I learned allot.
12/23/10 Recovery and Rest
Dynamic-Warm up-Mobility drills-static stretching.
25 min Treadmill 4-5 incline 4-4.5mph intervals
foam rolling/lax ball/ more static stretching
whirlpool 15 min
Sunday 12/26/10
Dynamic Warm up, mobility drills, foam roller etc
Band walks x2
Cross Trainer 15 min
Treadmill 20 min
I have eaten like crap the last two days. Therefore for the next week it will be squeaky clean paleo diet with minimal carbs for me and slightly more cardio.
Monday 12/27/10
Dynamic Warm up and Mobility
Foam Roller/Tennis Ball
T-Spine extension, Lying Side Rotation, Quadruped Extension-Rotation
Walking Lunge, Standing Hip Mob, Hip Steps, Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch 2 min
Lateral Band walks 2x30 steps
Shoulder int/ext rotations 10x2x10
1 Arm KB swing 20x1x10
Upper Body Training
Blast Strap Push ups and Flies BWx6x20+ I just experimented with depth and positioning today.
1 Arm Standing Cable Rows 45x3x12
V-Bar Pull downs 180x3x8
Pull Aparts minibandx3x30
Lying KB ext 30x4x12+
Side Planks 2x30 breathes
Decent session today. I did not sleep with my pillow under my knees and I can feel the difference, that and lying on my sides does not agree with my back. I also have to work on opening up my chest and front delts, they get so tight they make it hard to perform the
Lying Side Rotation without having my back pop. I really liked the blast straps, they blew my abs right up much better then doing planks or standard push ups.
Tuesday 12/28/10 Cardio
Dynamic Warm up and Mobility
Foam Roller/Tennis Ball
T-Spine extension, Quadruped Extension-Rotation
Walking Lunge, Hip Steps
Balance Drills x2
Hip int/ext rotation 10x2x10
Lateral Band walks 2x30 steps
Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch 2 min
Treadmill 30 min Moderate intervals- 4 incline/ 4-4.5 mph
I do not feel like walking outside in the freezing weather so I am upping my cardio on my rest days.
Wednesday 12/29//10 Lower and Core
Dynamic Warm up and Mobility
Foam Roller
T-spine ext on foam roller/ quad t-spine ext/rot
Standing posterior hip mob/standing anterior hip mob
quad hip adductor mob/ kneeling 20/20 static stretch 2 min
lateral band walks x2
Cook hip lift x2
bw squat x30
bw lunge x12
bw cossack squat x12
1 Arm KB swing 30x2x12
2 Arm KB swing 30x1x12
KB clean 20x1x12 Still working on my form
KB bottoms up walk 30x2x50 yards
Cable chops with handle 25x3x12
Stir the Pots x3x30
Treadmill 20 min
foam roll and static stretching-glutes and hips
Ice knee
Thursday 12/30/10 Cardio
Tuesday 12/28/10 Cardio
Dynamic Warm up and Mobility
Foam Roller/Tennis Ball
T-Spine extension, Quadruped Extension-Rotation, Quadruped adductor mob
Walking Lunge, Hip Steps
Balance Drills x2
Hip int/ext rotation 10x2x10
Lateral Band walks 2x30 steps
Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch 2 min
Treadmill 30 min Moderate intervals- 4 incline/ 4-4.5 mph
Foam Roller/Tennis Ball
Static Stretching hips and abductors 2 min
Friday 12/31/10 Upper
Warmup and Mobility
Foam Roller
T-Spine extension, Quadruped Extension-Rotation, Quadruped adductor mob
Standing hip mob, Hip steps, 90/90 seated mob, Walking lunge
Lateral band walk x2
YTL’s 2.5x3x15
Close Grip Bench Press 45x10 95x10 135x8 155x8 185x5 200x8 x8 x8
Blast Strap Inverse Rows bwx3x20+
Cable Handle Pulldowns 160x3x10
Pull Aparts minix3x30
DB Curls 30,35,40 x8
Side Planks x2
Stir the Pots x3
20 Min Treadmill 4 incline/ 4-4.5 mph