[quote]Moriarty wrote:
dollarbill44 wrote:
For most of us on here, fitness is our main hobby and Biotest products are a big part of our diet.
I was gonna reply to this guy but you hit the nail on the head already. This guy comes to the supplements section of a weight lifting forum and tells us we need to get a hobby because we are talking a about the availability of Biotest supplements in a thread devoted to the availability of Biotest supplements. Guess what, THIS IS ONE OF OUR HOBBIES genius.
He also “can’t believe” that we make plans for using products based on the release dates we’re given. Try this: “Hey, product X is coming out in March, I’ll be bulking in March and need a product like X, I think I’ll work that into my bulking strategy.” Pretty obvious stuff here folks.
That said, can we get an update on Grow bars? I don’t need an exact release date. Are you printing the labels? Are you getting the materials together? Are you stalled because of a failure somewhere?
In a nutshell, should I buy a 3 month supply of another bar because Grow bars won’t be here until end of summer at the earliest, or should I wait because Grow bars will be here by end of April?[/quote]
I actually suggested that some people get a hobbie because they sound like a bunch of thirteen year olds whining about when the newest video game will be released.
Health and fitness are a major part of my lifestyle, but I don’t kvetch about when supplements will be released. I, like most other people, have many more important issues to deal with on a daily basis. Once available I’ll typically try all Biotest products, but I realize that they likely have much bigger concerns about product release dates than whether I’ll be able to have Grow! Bars for my next road trip.