[quote]conservativedog wrote:
[quote]QwertyGucci wrote:
I went to the doctor and got my blood checked for sugar, test, thyroid and several other things I’m unsure of…
Testosterone was 900
Prolactin was 17
The doctor said I’d be banned for juicing and said it looks like I was doping. I thought my test levels were low because of my weight being 135 lbs regularly at 5’9" ish.
I told him I had sex the night before but he said that shouldn’t have much of an effect on the readings. Neither should the lack of sleep I had the two nights before…
I told him I want to be re tested and I go back in October end of this month cause he said I must wait a month.
I go see the specialist all the way in December and I cannot get in any sooner.
So I ask you guys, does sex have an effect on test levels and I did “fast” like they said before the blood tests as well.
I had sex three times before I went in within 8 hour period I’d say. And had about 4 hours of sleep that night before the blood tests. I didn’t eat 8 hours before hand though.
he said it may be a pituitary tumor causing the issue which is why my testosterone level is so high but I am not gaining weight. [/quote]
You don’t state your goals here and whether you have more lab references. You can personlly join lef.org and get your blood work discounted and anytime you want at a Labcorp location.
You are discovering what many men on hormone replacement therapy have learned. That is… most doctors know less about male hormones than anything else in medicine.
Ejaculation before lab blood work will unquestionably affect your prolactin and PSA levels.
They should have given instructions to abstain from sex for 48 hours. It can elevate the PSA readings. Ejaculation can also cause a significant spike in prolactin levels. Deca and tren also cause elevated prolactin. Cabergoline can help you if you have that difficulty.
However higher serum T levels are seen during abstinence. Non-significant luteinizing hormone increases have also been noted. Testosterone has minimal interactions with orgasm.
Lack of sleep won’t have much of an effect on T levels. Alcohol would have more impact on lowering T then lack of sleep.
Are you taking an anti-aromatase? if not your T levels could be high but not doing their job because of conversion to estradiol. In other words you have high T but feel like shit. You better find out what your estradiol labs are because that can be a problem when they go high.
Read these:
I’m not taking anything except methyl b-12 80,000%, Vitamin D3, l-arginine and that’s it.