I am 24 yo male and I have been taking Epi/Tren 350 for just over 2 weeks now. 3 caps a day. It is basically a Myogenix Spawn clone. I havent really felt much difference since I have been using it but I decided to get a blood test done anyway. I had been feeling a little sluggish even before starting it and was worried that my test levels might be low, but I figured I was just being a hypochondriac. Well, unfortunately I dont have any base level readings from what my hormones were like before taking this PH, but here are the results after 15 days on it:
AST (SGOT) 77 High IU/L (0-40 normal range)
ALT (SGPT) 99 High IU/L (0-55 normal range)
Testosterone, Serum 40 Low ng/dL (249-836)
Luteinizing Hormone (LH), S LH 0.2 Low mIU/mL (1.7-8.6 normal range)
FSH, Serum 0.4 Low mIU/mL (1.5-12.4 normal range)
Estradiol 34.5 Normal pg/mL (7.6-42.6 normal range)
I have made a doctors appointment for tomorrow morning. I am hoping that when he did a blood test a few months ago he checked my hormone levels so that I can have some proof that it was in fact the epi/tren that shut down my normal hormone production.
Needless to say, I dont plan on taking anymore of the epi/tren for the time being and I do have some Clomid in the mail right now that should get here tomorrow or the next day. I also have access to some test from a friend and am considering giving myself an injection just to get my levels back up for the time being.