Can someone PLEASE tell me the name of a good TRT Doc in San Diego? (Please don’t tell me to read the “finding a doc” sticky because I spent a lot of time trying this already to no avail…may work in some areas but not San Diego)
I Have gone to two General Practitioners, one Endo and one Anti-Aging Doc so far. The first three were not knowledgeable at all. Geez I was informing THEM about HCG and AI’s (mostly from info I have obtained from this forum). The Anti Aging Doc was the best of them but still did not have have the expertise of some of the experts on this forum (he had never heard of subQ Test injections for instance).
Does anybody know of a good TRT Doc in San Diego who has a level of expertise comparable to some of the experts on this forum and who will prescribe Test-C, HCG and AI’s?
Thanks Guys and best of luck to all!