[quote]Tin Can wrote:
The reason why I resent Anthony posting sources is because of the “Anabolic internet” article that was posted not long ago where it says
"…Also the website’s staff (admin, owners & moderator) themselves aren’t distributors of anablolic steroids or “sources”…
Well the way I see it Anthony is obviously related to A-G guys with their insane prices so Anthony may not be a distributor but related to them which violates what the guy was saying in the article. This is the way I see it. If I am wrong please tell me how.
By the way I would never say this if what was said in the article was never written. Just paying attention to what’s going on. So sorry if it appears like a hijack, it just dosen’t seem right.
tin can[/quote]
A “source” sells steroids. A research chem company is what AG-Guys are. Big difference. AG isn’t selling steroids.
If you sell the products they do, in liquid form and unflavored, for research purposes only, then you are not a source (i.e. you do not sell steroids), but rather you are a chemical supply company.
Look up the part of that article concerning research chems, not “sources”.
Also, I’m neither a distribotor nor do I get money from the sales of any supplements, research chems, or steroids on the internet, regardless of who sells them.
It’s interesting to note that a month ago some people on the internet claimed I was actually buisness partners with AG-Guys main competitor, and this month, someone else claims I’m partners with AG-Guys.
Who am I related to, on the internet? I’m a writer, who wrote a book on anabolic steroids, and I am partners with Brian Clapp (who is, himself, partners with AG-Guys’ main competitor)!
Other than that, I do tons of research and articles for whoever wishes to contract my services (T-Nation, etc…).
I hope this clears things up. Or not. Next month, I’m sure people will have moved on and be speculating that I’m in league with IBE (another research chem company) or whoever…
[quote]Tin Can wrote:
BUT I had never actually looked at ag-guys prices, which as my buddy Wide sez ‘are chump prices’ LOL (or summat like that).
Yeah. The guy who gets Underground gear thinks that the guy who gets Human-Grade is paying chump prices.
The guy who gets powders thinks the guy who pays for Underground Gear is paying chump prices.
It’s all in who you are, and who you know. You get stuff in powder form (and yeah, I know exactly what kind of prices you get), and I think you pay “chump prices”.
…because I pay nothing for anything related to steroids, and typically get access to products months before they appear on any price lists (I was the first on the internet to use Masteron Enanthate, Tren Enanthate, etc…and a slew of other products that weren’t even out yet).
“Chump” is a relative term, is what I’m saying.