Going Galt

Anyone ever consider going Galt?

"What is “Going Galt?”

“Going Galt” doesn’t simply mean getting angry. That would be “Going Postal.” It means having righteous indignation at the injustice of a political system that bails out individuals and institutions for irresponsible behavior and at the expense of those like you who prosper through hard work and personal responsibly.

“Going Galt” means asking in the face of new taxes and government controls, “Why work at all?” “For whom am I working?” “Am I a slave?”

“Going Galt” means recognizing that you’re being punished not for your vices but for your virtues.

“Going Galt” means recognizing that you have a moral right to your own life, the pursuit of your own happiness, and thus to the rewards you’ve earned with your labor.

“Going Galt” means recognizing that you deserve praise and honor for your achievements rather than damnation as “exploiters.”

“Going Galt” means recognizing that you do not need to justify your life or wealth to your neighbors, “society,” or politicians, or bureaucrats. They’re yours, period!

“Going Galt” means recognizing that the needs of others do not give them a claim to your time, effort, and achievements.

“Going Galt” means shrugging off unearned guilt, refusing to support your own destroyers, refusing to give them what Ayn Rand termed “the sanction of the victim.” It means taking the moral high ground by explicitly rejecting as evil the premise of “self-sacrifice” that they sell to you as a virtueâ?? in fact “self-sacrifice” is an invitation to suicide."

The modern world, created by the Mystics of Religion and the Mystics of the Gun, should be left to rot into the dustbin of history.

::roleseyes:: going galt is sooooooo 2008

Is it kind of like going off the grid? For most of us it is a luxury we cannot afford.

What we need is a currency that cannot be confiscated from us by the looting class.

Is it kind of like going off the grid? For most of us it is a luxury we cannot afford.

What we need is a currency that cannot be confiscated from us by the looting class.[/quote]

No, you just work enough to maintain yourself and your family. You don’t try to become a millionaire, for ex, while paying ‘protection money’ to scum.

Leave nothing for the scum and parasites to loot.

IMO most people misrepresent Rand’s concept of free market. It is not about Walmart and Home Depot. It is about giving Bob’s hardware and Mom’s 5 and 10 the same tax code so they can compete on equal footing

[quote]pittbulll wrote:
IMO most people misrepresent Rand’s concept of free market. It is not about Walmart and Home Depot. It is about giving Bob’s hardware and Mom’s 5 and 10 the same tax code so they can compete on equal footing [/quote]

Missing the point – true freedom means that you live without a mortgage on your freedom. Right now, if you want to be a part of this society, you are forced to pay a percentage to governments. The scum don’t realize that a truly free society would be so good that people would WANT to pay to be in it. No force would be necessary.

So, because they introduce force into human relationships, over time (analogy coming) the pickpocket loses to the robber and the robber loses to the murderer. The society becomes more and more onerous with absolute evil taking over the government.

What began as a free association of individuals descends into a cesspool of government-by-thug and intimidation.

[quote]Headhunter wrote:

[quote]pittbulll wrote:
IMO most people misrepresent Rand’s concept of free market. It is not about Walmart and Home Depot. It is about giving Bob’s hardware and Mom’s 5 and 10 the same tax code so they can compete on equal footing [/quote]

Missing the point – true freedom means that you live without a mortgage on your freedom. Right now, if you want to be a part of this society, you are forced to pay a percentage to governments. The scum don’t realize that a truly free society would be so good that people would WANT to pay to be in it. No force would be necessary.

So, because they introduce force into human relationships, over time (analogy coming) the pickpocket loses to the robber and the robber loses to the murderer. The society becomes more and more onerous with absolute evil taking over the government.

What began as a free association of individuals descends into a cesspool of government-by-thug and intimidation.

We disagree, in the book the Wealth Producers (not Corporations) went on strike because they were being systematically fucked (not just ask to pay their fair share)

What we have now is the middle class being systematically fucked and the wealthy are skating with half the tax rate as middle class because their earnings are capital gains . They could leave a high ceiling for capital gains . IMO capital gains tax was originated for the Home owner so that when they sold their home they did not get bent over on their tax rate . IMO it was not intended for those that make their living in the stock market.

I say, as long as my income is derived from the capital gains of other wealthy people, let them skate on capital gains taxes!

[quote]pittbulll wrote:
What we have now is the middle class being systematically fucked and the wealthy are skating with half the tax rate as middle class because their earnings are capital gains . They could leave a high ceiling for capital gains . IMO capital gains tax was originated for the Home owner so that when they sold their home they did not get bent over on their tax rate . IMO it was not intended for those that make their living in the stock market.[/quote]

A lot of times, capital gains are gains on capital you invested after you paid tax on it when you earned it.

Why should they pay 30% twice?

Rand was such an idiot, the fact that she was a capitalist, can not save her from the intrinsic stupidity of “objectivism”.

If you don’t know what objectivism is, it’s the philosophy that embodies the famous last words “Hey, everybody! Look at me!”, then you fall off the waterfall and die.

[quote]countingbeans wrote:

[quote]pittbulll wrote:
What we have now is the middle class being systematically fucked and the wealthy are skating with half the tax rate as middle class because their earnings are capital gains . They could leave a high ceiling for capital gains . IMO capital gains tax was originated for the Home owner so that when they sold their home they did not get bent over on their tax rate . IMO it was not intended for those that make their living in the stock market.[/quote]

A lot of times, capital gains are gains on capital you invested after you paid tax on it when you earned it.

Why should they pay 30% twice?[/quote]

It would not be paying twice on the gain . It would be paying twice if you had to pay taxes again on initial investment

[quote]pittbulll wrote:

[quote]Headhunter wrote:

[quote]pittbulll wrote:
IMO most people misrepresent Rand’s concept of free market. It is not about Walmart and Home Depot. It is about giving Bob’s hardware and Mom’s 5 and 10 the same tax code so they can compete on equal footing [/quote]

Missing the point – true freedom means that you live without a mortgage on your freedom. Right now, if you want to be a part of this society, you are forced to pay a percentage to governments. The scum don’t realize that a truly free society would be so good that people would WANT to pay to be in it. No force would be necessary.

So, because they introduce force into human relationships, over time (analogy coming) the pickpocket loses to the robber and the robber loses to the murderer. The society becomes more and more onerous with absolute evil taking over the government.

What began as a free association of individuals descends into a cesspool of government-by-thug and intimidation.

We disagree, in the book the Wealth Producers (not Corporations) went on strike because they were being systematically fucked (not just ask to pay their fair share)

That’s a flawed premise right there. An ideal society doesn’t talk about ‘paying a fair share’ at all.

What if the owner of the health club where you go came and demanded that you pay your fair and equal share of the club’s expenses? You would refuse because you VOLUNTARILY joined the club. The club offers a TRADE, not an obligation.

Our country should be like that club. You get what you willingly pay for.

[quote]pat wrote:
Rand was such an idiot, the fact that she was a capitalist, can not save her from the intrinsic stupidity of “objectivism”.

If you don’t know what objectivism is, it’s the philosophy that embodies the famous last words “Hey, everybody! Look at me!”, then you fall off the waterfall and die.[/quote]

No. Objectivism is rooted in Aristotle and the view that objects bear similarities; if those are close enough in their defining properties, we use the same universal to describe that family of objects.

Because our minds work by looking for similarities and forming concepts, then the concept of ‘God’ is an empty concept. We need several examples to form a concept and there apparently is only one God. Religion is therefore demonstrably illogical and outside of our ken.

If Man is to have a future, it’ll be a Randian future. The other choice is to sink into the swamps of mysticism (religion) and brute force.

[quote]Headhunter wrote:

[quote]pittbulll wrote:

[quote]Headhunter wrote:

[quote]pittbulll wrote:
IMO most people misrepresent Rand’s concept of free market. It is not about Walmart and Home Depot. It is about giving Bob’s hardware and Mom’s 5 and 10 the same tax code so they can compete on equal footing [/quote]

Missing the point – true freedom means that you live without a mortgage on your freedom. Right now, if you want to be a part of this society, you are forced to pay a percentage to governments. The scum don’t realize that a truly free society would be so good that people would WANT to pay to be in it. No force would be necessary.

So, because they introduce force into human relationships, over time (analogy coming) the pickpocket loses to the robber and the robber loses to the murderer. The society becomes more and more onerous with absolute evil taking over the government.

What began as a free association of individuals descends into a cesspool of government-by-thug and intimidation.

We disagree, in the book the Wealth Producers (not Corporations) went on strike because they were being systematically fucked (not just ask to pay their fair share)

That’s a flawed premise right there. An ideal society doesn’t talk about ‘paying a fair share’ at all.

What if the owner of the health club where you go came and demanded that you pay your fair and equal share of the club’s expenses? You would refuse because you VOLUNTARILY joined the club. The club offers a TRADE, not an obligation.

Our country should be like that club. You get what you willingly pay for.

I again disagree , the ideal society would vary upon the person . If I were to join the club and be a vested member (meaning owning my share) I may have no problem paying my share of the expenses .

In my opinion the more people in a society the more regulation required. A utopian society would be a goal but not a practical reality. In a utopian society we would have people that were unable to take care of them self . I being part of the society would want to offer some assistance albiet not our present welfare system .